CF Bowel Obstruction Study

Sara Modlin

New member
Hello All! I wanted to post about a new study we are currently recruiting for if you have CF and are prone to bowel obstructions!

Study: Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and CF-Related Bowel Obstruction
Goal of Study
This study focuses on cystic fibrosis patients who have complaints of bowel obstruction and constipation. The goal of this study is to see if and how osteopathic manipulative medicine will affect these patients’ bowel functions. The study is being performed through Touro University. Treatments will take place in Vallejo, CA and in Portola Valley, CA.

What is osteopathic manipulative medicine?
Osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) is a hands-on technique of moving and mobilizing tissues of the body to be able to function optimally. In this project, the techniques that will be utilized are gentle and will be working with the movement of the spine and pelvis, the abdominal tissues and organs, as well as the soft tissues of the back.
Potential Risks and Benefits:
OMM has very minimal risks associated with it. There is a chance of transient discomfort for 24-72 hours. You may have an improvement in body and abdominal pain. You may experience an increase in bowel movements and flatulence, however this is not guaranteed.
Study Design:
• You will be asked to complete a weekly diary of bowel movements for the duration of the study.
• You will receive a weekly email reminder and the diary entries can be submitted by email or postal mail.
• You will be treated a total of four times by an osteopathic physician located in Vallejo, CA.

• This study will last for 9-10 months. After each visit you will receive $40 compensation for traveling and for being compliant with the diary entries until that point. A final payment of $40 will be given after completing the study for a total of $200.

Any identifying information will be removed from the data collected for the duration of the study and any public presentation of this information will be completely de-identified.

You are free at any time to withdraw from the study.
If you have any questions or would like to enroll in the study, please contact Sara Modlin at or (925) 456-4519.