Darthlizzius<3's latest activity

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    Darthlizzius<3 replied to the thread Please pray.
    Hi!! I used to have a Gtube! It really helps it helped me for sure. I used to be so so skinny at 40 pounds at 10. Now I'm 14 at 97...
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    Darthlizzius<3 replied to the thread Stopping trikafta.
    Oml that sounds so scary. I have cystic fibrosis and I have not tried that drug because Orkambi is working great for me. Is it possible...
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    Darthlizzius<3 updated their status.
    Hi! My name is Lizzie. Im 14 and my cystic fibrosis health is kinda going terrible. My lung OTC is 60%. I'm scared I haven't been this...