Recent content by hstaloch

  1. H

    Flying with vest

    I have done quite a bit of traveling with my vest and nebulizer, and I hate to say it but it can be frustrating. Technically, the vest shouldn't count as one of your 2 carry on bags (as it is medical equipment) but airline employees oftentimes, a) don't believe me, or b) aren't familiar with...
  2. H

    Looking at colleges for my CFer

    I think the main thing to pay attention to is what your student is looking for-- I was diagnosed just before going to college in Boston and didn't change any of my plans. I ended up transferring later on to be closer to home (for more reasons other than solely CF) but it has been nice living...
  3. H

    2789+5G>A /DF508

    I have 2789+5G>A / DF508 -- I was diagnosed at 18 (I'm 21), and am pancreatic sufficient. I was always coughing / had infections but it wasn't until my doctors referred me to a pulmonalogist that I was diagnosed. I'm currently studying abroad in Buenos Aires so don't have my exact numbers, but...
  4. H

    Tall CFers?

    I'm 21 and 5'11- have always been very tall and skinny (so is my brother [no CF]). I was diagnosed at 18 / have never had digestion issues so I'm guessing that might be why & genetics of course!
  5. H

    Tall CFers?

    I'm 21 and 5'11- have always been very tall and skinny (so is my brother [no CF]). I was diagnosed at 18 / have never had digestion issues so I'm guessing that might be why & genetics of course!