Recent content by NateJS345

  1. N

    Best & Unique Practices for CF Individuals

    What is pulmosal? It's the first I heard about it.
  2. N

    Acid reflux / heartburn

    Sorry about not responding. I had problems with my password and since I was on a cell phone, I couldn't change it. I am now at my work computer and have reset the password so all is good. :) To answer your questions, my GI doctor changed from the PPI to Zantac because she had some research...
  3. N

    Acid reflux / heartburn

    My Dr.'s changed my meds from prilosec to zantac. What causes the heartburn in CF? How are other people treating it?
  4. N

    Traveling to Disney with CF, Vest, and Portable O2 concentrator?

    Megan, I just got back from Disney World With my family. Although, I didn't need the scooter or the oxygen, there were people there using them. The Disney World people on the rides help you so much. They will direct you where to park your cart and will help you on. You can also give them a...
  5. N

    JUST BREATHE: official project reLaunch

    I pledged and posted link on my facebook.
  6. N

    Surprising Results with Essential Oils! Give it a Go!

    Hi Salty, I have a quick question or to two. :) What are you using to diffuse them with? What kind of bottle are you using? Thank you
  7. N

    Flying with vest

    Hello all, I am planning on visiting my sister around Christmas, and am planning to fly. I have never flown with my vest equipment. How do you work with the airlines to get this on with you? What kind of flight suggestions do you have? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  8. N

    Insurance Question

    Depending on what state you live in, there may be an insurance program that is state funded. I know that in Ohio, the program is run from BCMH (Bureau of Children with Medical Handicaps). Indiana has a similar program. It is a health insurance that pays copays and basically what the insurance...
  9. N

    CF Sibling

    My sister died of CF complications on the first day of school when I was a junior in High School. I was able to stay by her side during the night, and eventually was able to get some sleep in a room next to hers. We had a connection because I have CF too. I still miss my sister and fondly...
  10. N

    CF Sibling

    My sister died of CF complications on the first day of school when I was a junior in High School. I was able to stay by her side during the night, and eventually was able to get some sleep in a room next to hers. We had a connection because I have CF too. I still miss my sister and fondly...
  11. N

    G-Tube Advantage

    Thanks for posting this. I do have a few questions... 1. Do you use these mixes all at once, or do you make enough for a few days, and do like 1 cup at a time? 2. do you have any other recipes?
  12. N

    G-Tube Advantage

    Thanks for posting this. I do have a few questions... 1. Do you use these mixes all at once, or do you make enough for a few days, and do like 1 cup at a time? 2. do you have any other recipes?