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  1. R


    I didn't have a huge response from this fundraiser, but I did have donation of $20.00 to CFF. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or if you are interested in Younique! Thanks!!
  2. R


    That is so wonderful to hear! I'm so happy you love it, and i hope your sister will too! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, and make sure to tell your friends! If your ever interested in hosting your own party, please contact me! The cool part is it can all be online! Keep...
  3. R


    How sweet of you! Please let me know what you think, and def send some pics of your results if you would like!
  4. R


    Jeannie, Thank you again for your purchase and your support for Cystic Fibrosis! :o
  5. R


    Thanks Chris! I'm extremely excited to do this. I'm a newer presenter for Younique, and I felt this was a great way to start! I'm amazed by the stories I have read about people with CF, and find them inspiring. I really hope this fundraiser works out great. As for Younique, I haven't met one...
  6. R


    Excellent! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
  7. R


    This party link I have posted goes until Oct 23rd. The plan is all month long! When this link expires I will post a new one.
  8. R


    Hi I am a Independent Younique Presenter .A co worker of mine currently lost her brother to CF. I have decided to support her and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I have set a CF fundraiser. I ask you to share with your friends and family! The following will be donated to the CFF $5 from each...