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  1. P


    Does anyone know if there are any good books out there about people with CF, id just like a nice story to read about someone with CF . If you have any ideas please let me know, and where i could possibly find the book. Thanks alot
  2. P


    Im really looking for input on getting a port?? Would you wouldnt you? ive been in and out of hospital this year and i get so nervous and figity when it comes to pick lines that i tighten up and i am very small roughly 100 pounds 5'4"-5'5" so yea imagine how small that is i have lost weight tho...
  3. P

    Holidays in Hospitol

    I just am kinda needing to vent, I am in hospitol been here since the 10 of Dec. Well with xmas aproaching i may still be here for christmas. I spent my 18th birthday and christmas in here 2 almost 3 years ago as ill be turning 21 in March now!! This will be more then likely my Grandpas final...
  4. P


    Ok....Im sorry for bringing this up but i need to know...What is the average life span of a cfer who has had it all there life...Ive also had a transplant because of the cf...and latley i just keep asking myself about a type of person who feels like id let you down if i were to leave or...
  5. P

    SPorts Hobbys?

    What kind of sports do you do or hobbys? i play pool and do a little bowling currently ranked 2 in state of wi juniors division for pool in the "Major" division
  6. P

    How To Find Light In This

    Ive had cf all my life...these last couple years have gotten really bad not only cf but my whole life...i had an close uncle die while i was in the hospitol and he was 200 miles away in a diff hospitol and thats where all my family was..he was in our local hospitol and i was at a CF hospitol. so...
  7. P


    can men with cf concieve a child with a woman without it?im 18 sounds stupid but me and my fiance have been together for 4 years we are both out of highschool and we have talked it over and feel were ready...but can i? please give me a lil hope <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif"...
  8. P

    Feeding Tubes

    Hi as you know im 18 years old and i graduate High School in 8 days as of today!! But i was at the Doc last monday and they told me that i sohuld start thinking of A Feeding Tube Or G Tube....What Do you think im under the 5 percentile with my weight... im 5'5 and weight about 110...and im...
  9. P


    Ok..i went in for a annual 3 months checkup and my PFTS were down..i feel good..little bit of increase cough...but they want me to come in for a hospitolization...for about 2 weeks...why so long if i feel good and i have a little bit of stuff building up in the bottom of my lungs they said they...
  10. P

    Insurance Policy's??

    I was just wondering if there are any good insurance plan's that you guys/gals know of for me...I will be graduating HighSchool in May...And i dont know what i want to do after school...i want to go to collage just not right away....I am wondering if you know of plans for a CF patient and Liver...
  11. P


    Do alot of you play sports??I played basketball my 7-8 and freshman year...i was one of the best kids on the court...was projected to play varsity my sophmore year...Then the CF got bad.....And now i am a pool player<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> and one of best...