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  1. M

    Blue phlegm?

    Hiiii. I came down with a chest infection a couple of days ago and started taking a few antibx. Last night I got to that stage where you cough so much there's basically nothing left to bring up but you start having chest spasms and vomiting. Anyway the phlegm i spewed up was BRIGHT TURQUOISE...
  2. M

    Chat anyone?

    I'm desperate for some conversation. Anything at all... Phoebe xx.
  3. M

    Hey y'all I feel like talking to someone...about anything! Love Phoebe xx.
  4. M


    Ok so I finally jumped on the MySpace bandwagon... <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=" "> </a> Sorry I know there's lots of these threads already but I'm too lazy to search for them. If you...
  5. M

    Share a photo of you looking stupid!

    <img src=""> Ewwwwww! I don't even remember this photo being taken, but I obviously knew at the time so I don't really have that excuse. Hehe. Ok so it's the first day of the school holidays in NZ and obviously I'm...
  6. M

    How your teachers treat you...

    Hey I was just wondering if any of you have teachers at school who like, really obviously pity you because of your CF....? I do and it makes me sooo mad!!! It's like she thinks that because I'm sick all the time I must be totally handicapped at everything I do, so if I'm achieving at or above...