Emotional day at OB/GYN



I just went in for a routine check up at the OBGYN today....she asked me if I was thinking about getting pregnant anytime soon. Without realizing it, I was soon shedding a few tears....explaining that I haven't decided, and that having CF complicates things and I didn't know if it would ever be possible for me.

She was totally understanding and handed me a Kleenex. Then she said the coolest thing. She said, "It's totally possible. If and when you are ready shoot me an email and I'll direct you to the right person (the geneticist) to get the process started." Then we had a nice chat about CF and carriers and genetic testing and it wasn't anything I didn't already know, but it was nice to hear that it is possible and something that she seemed on board with even though I hadn't brought it up.

Just wanted you ladies out there to hear about my day. It felt really great to feel supported in this issue that has been bothering me for a long time (I'm 33 and not getting any younger).
Sometimes it is nice to just have a good cry (BLOW)


New member
Im 23 and single. But i have to admit i think about it often. Like having a child isnt a complicated matter by itself! We also have Cf to consider. Well to be honest i like to think that having a baby even though having CF IS possible. For me the hardest part is finding the right partner. Someone you can see as the father of your children. Someone who will be strong enough to stand by me through this. Through having CF, through having a kid, through the good times as well. But i guess im dreaming of a perfect life. A perfect partner, a perfect natural conception,a perfect pregnancy. Im dreaming of a better life lately. With better drugs that will make our lives easier on many levels.
I totally justify your reaction. Crying helps me a lot to get this all out. I feel much better afterwards.


Yes...it's just so complicated. Too many moving parts....too many factors. All culminating in one question. "Are you planning on having kids?" Such a loaded question, I think it's OK to feel overwhelmed sometimes :)


Super Moderator
Yes...it's just so complicated. Too many moving parts....too many factors. All culminating in one question. "Are you planning on having kids?" Such a loaded question, I think it's OK to feel overwhelmed sometimes :)


SUCH a loaded question. It's definitely okay to feel overwhelmed at times. For me, the worst was after we were married and as the years passed the question "when are you guys gonna have a baby?" or said "oh, now it's your turn!" after someone else was pregnant or had a baby. Ugh, people mean no harm by it but eventually every time someone asked it was like a knife through my heart. Truly, how do you answer that. For me I could've said "well we've been trying for years, it's not happening" and made them feel terrible but instead I just say some polite BS and shrug it off.

I'm really glad you had a good talk with your doc. Sounds like she'll be a great partner if/when you decide to go for it. My OB was/is great too. She was always supportive of my desire to have a baby and hugged me as I cried when she told me I was finally pregnant. She was so happy for me that she wanted to come into the waiting room with me when I told my mom (hubby was at work). She hugged my mom too. You could tell she was just so genuinely happy for me, it was great. Anyway, now I'm rambling but my point is it sounds like you have a great doc too!

Hugs to you friend!

Autumn 32 w/CF


Thanks Autumn! It's so nice to know I'm not the only one! Virtual hug back atcha, friend!




New member
It is something to really think about! I am 25 with CF and I have a 2 year old. The only thing that remained after pregnancy was hypoglycemia which was new since I didn't have it before. Getting pregnant is not impossible though and if you are healthy enough it is a wonderful experience. If you do decide that this is the route you want to take I hope that everything goes the way you want it.