Infinity in my body.


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This a book written by Leanne Eccles. She lives in Merseyside and attends Broadgreens Amanda Unit for about 3 months in every year, loosely refared to as 'home'!!!.Infinity in my body covers some of her most personal moments in her fight to gain understanding of her condition, she also writes about the struggle of maintaining relationships both personal and inter family, some of which are truely heart rendering.Sufferer or not, on some level this short paper back can be related to. From lost loves to parents, grandparents and siblings.She published it by way of an explanation to her closest family and friends of her behaviour throughout puberty and into her early 20's. I think it is a great read and a copy should be sighted in every and any place that deals with sufferes of Cystic Fibrosis.<img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">