Sinus Surgery before ttc?



I REALLY don't want to do another sinus surgery, but I have noticed that my sinuses are acting up a little more lately (think its related to allergies, so hopefully will resolve on it's own). But I have been reading up on preparing my body for ttc and read that Motrin can affect fertility and I take high doses of motrin every day for sinus inflammation. Anyone out there take this as well? Did you have to stop during pregnancy/ttc? I know you're not supposed to take it when pregnant, but I feel like my sinuses will be much worse if I stop. Maybe I should try and taper down before ttc and see how it affects my body?

My CF dr gave me the ok for the most part. He ideally would like me to wait for clinical trials, but I don't think I can hold off that long ;). He did say my lung function is fine for pregnancy. I just don't know about my sinuses. I want to make sure I am as healthy as I can be while pregnant. And the fact that I would be weaning now, during the worst season of the year for allergies...Like I said in my previous post, I don't want to overthink this whole ttc thing. I want to just try and see what happens, not have to think about all the little intricacies. I already do all my treatments, eat healthy, take vitamins (started the prenatals this week) so I know I am in decent I overthinking the sinus issue?


I had sinus surgery before trying. My bulk of problems stem from my sinuses such as getting infections up there and them traveling to my chest. So I personally think its a great idea to get the surgery done and over with that way its just one other thing to have cleaned up and prepared before getting pregnant. It would be one less thing to worry about. And trust me, one of the common things to be effected by pregnancy is your sinuses. It is very commong for the nasal tissue to become more inflammed and irritated.

I have allergies and they have gotten much worse since being pregnant and I already take singulair and zyrtec daily and refuse to take anything else. I do suffer some days. As far as Motrin, from what I have heard, I dont think it would even be possible to take it throughout the pregnancy. From what I have heard is that 6 extra strength tylenol is the only thing they say you can safely take. But I am no Dr and might have no idea what I am saying lol.

I know you said you dont want to think about all of the intricacies , but when it comes to getting pregnant you have to think about some of it when it comes to the meds you are taking at least. I get if you dont want to dwell on what could or couldnt effect ttc at the moment, but you need to be prepared with a plan for what you are going to do as soon as you find out you are pregnant such as which meds to stop.

Overall I dont think you are over thinking the sinus thing at all. I had polyps (sp?) so I knew it was a good idea to get them out then so I didnt have to worry about needing some type of surgery while pregnant. Some are lucky and dont struggle with their PFTs while pregnant... I on the other hand started out at 75% and have declined and struggle to keep them above 60 and im just now half way.

Good luck! sorry this was so long and I dont mean to sound preachy in anyway, Im just going off of what I have experienced with my pregnancy so far.


Super Moderator
Don't do this. Oxymetazoline HCL or Afrin nasal spray is my sinus drug of choice. It shrinks those membranes like heat wrap. That along with something akin to Allegra for allergies. See if your ttl doc has a problem with Afrin and discuss allergy meds as well. Your ENT may not operate until you have been off Afrin for a month. Generic Afrin with extra moisturizing is better than brand.

Afrin shrinks the nasal mucosa but blood vessels seem to multiply. An ENT giving me the news of no Afrin for my nose said I risk bleeding to death if surgery were performed high on Afrin. Afrin in fact is fantastic for a couple months. I can go cold turkey from morphine easier than Afrin. Something about breathing unimpeded through the knows if you nose what I mean.


Thank you! Kross...I totally understand what you are saying and appreciate the honesty. The reason I am hesitant to do surgery is because I don't think it did anything last time. I have had 5 surgeries and #4 was great! I felt unbelievably good after it (it had been about 10 years + since my previous one) and was hardly sick for a good year and a half after. #5 not so much. I was in the hospital a month after the surgery with a lung infection. That one was about 2 1/2 years after #4. I might plan on going to see the ENT...but ugh. I mean I do want to see what he has to say, and what my cat scan looks like.

I have been on a relatively good streak lately. PFT's are a smidge lower than I would like, but still not bad. And I am going to see my CF dr in a few weeks, so hopefully I will get a good report. We still also have to see a genetic counselor and get my husband tested, so it will be some time before we start ttc...I just want to be prepared, but I don't want to overthink things and thus stress myself out to the point I can't even get pregnant.


Active member
I didn't take Motrin every day for either pregnancies. I did take it during the last trimester if I was desperate though, but not for sinuses.
For my nasal issues and sinus issues I did saline nasal rinses with my neti pot 2x a day, plus several herbal supplements (that were safe for preg). Steam baths helped. Anything methol, like vicks. Also some nasal sprays, but even them you don't want to be shooting up there 4x a day during have to check.
I don't think you're overthinking the sinus thing regarding pregnancy. Sinus health is linked to lung health. I know how you feel-you want all your ducks in a row so when you get pregs, you're at optimum health. But don't make yourself crazy. And remember that its much better (drugwise) to take minimal risk drugs through pregnancy and ensure a smooth sailing, then stop everything now, but need the big guns later on.
Also keep in mind that for many gals, early pregnancy can bring minor sinus irritation-there is a hormone that losens secretions, especially nasal ones. I didn't experience that but I know many ladies that have during the 1st trimester. (just saying it so you're not worried that its cf related if it happens to you)


And yes I knew that Motrin shouldn't be taken during pregnancy. I will probably wait to go off of it, like MamaScarlet said...because if I go off of it now, I could end up getting sick and then not healthy enough to be pregnant until I recover.


Super Moderator
Motrin, Tylenol and NSAID's in general don't impress me as a safe drug during pregnancy. Afrin, for the record is two puffs in each nostril every 12 hours. There was a time I would do much more. I am older, more diciplined and do half the recommended dosage and it works fine. It has easy warning during pregnancy or nursing "ask a health professional before use". Not exactly Draconian wording. However, I am male, not current on making a healthy baby and the others in this forum have been there.


Afrin from what I have heard is not a good thing to take while pregnant... although I think like anything it can depend on individual situation and what your Dr thinks is best. As for the surgery I COMPLETELY know what you mean about having the surgery and then it seeming like it doesnt work. In fact the last one I had I didnt feel near as good as I usually do afterwards. I think it was because they didnt have me on IV meds before, just some oral antibiotics for 10 days prior.