The Scientists Matter!


Here at, we know that scientists matter. They are behind all the treatments taken.

I remember the first days of when people were having trouble with the directions for taking Pulmozyme…we went right to the Genetech Website: and right on the homepage page was Steve Shak’s phone number: the inventor of dornase the Pulmozyme drug.

He answered the phone! He was surprised to talk to us and he was as kind as he looks but he said he couldn’t speak directly to the patients…we had to send them back to their doctors….who may or may not have been able to answer the questions since the drug was so new at the time.

Steve is now the executive vice president at Genomic Health working on Cancer drugs.

I am remembering him today because so often, these scientists quietly work in the background for us; but today we remember 100 HIV scientists on Malaysian Plane 17. Many will be nameless…but I know one who wasn't on the plane is Chris Baldwin’s other PhD promoter.
from Chris today:
“My other promoter (Ben Berkhout) who is also very high in the HIV field making a vaccine was already at the conference….he caught another flight because he had to present on the morning of the first day of the conference. He heard about the news 2 min before his presentation! So glad he was not on that flight”

One commentator on television last night said:
“The cure for HIV AIDS may have been on that plane”
So just remembering and thanking God for all the scientists today.

Keep them safe!


New member
It seems as though fewer college kids are going into the sciences so it's tough not just on families who lost their loved ones but tough on society when we don't have the "brain power" to transition from generation to generation of researchers. Our scientist, Chris Baldwin, is in his prime and I'm so glad he has decided to put his academic and research weight into CF while also monitoring his HIV Aids research.


Staff member
Thanks Peter. One of my best friends emailed me today with this:
When the news told us that there where lots of HIV researchers from Amsterdam on that plane my heart nearly stopped but then I thought you don't do that anymore...
If I had persued my HIV research...I may have very well been on that flight.


Staff member
Here are the 2 colleges I lost:
Press release:


Such a devastating loss for you foundation, your country, and the HIV AIDS community.
They were working on so many different fronts for health and technology.
Five daughters! Are they interested in science and medicine?...I hope so.
This loss is a global one....thank you for sharing these special people with us!