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  1. L

    CF and the Appendix.... Chances are you have appendicitis but don't know it!

    For too long I have been looking for relief from nausea. That was at least two years ago and it I'm sure now that it's been a significant player in my health for much longer. Being sick is just part of CF's definition, like infection, you might never know you have CF if not for chronic...
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    Don't Do This, DON'T DO THIS, please.

    The past year has been an exercise in last ditch pain management. I'm certain that the medical professionals and manufacturers of Spinal Cord Stimulators and Intrathecal Pain Pumps would have to agree, albeit grudgingly, with their being near the end of preferred treatment. In a way it's not...
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    Companies are Stealing Genetic/ Genomic Data. Are they Stealing Yours? Take a Survey

    Have you sent your DNA to a Genetics Services Company like 23&Me or Anscsestry.Com? Companies are stealing Genetic and Genomic data. The August 7, 2017 issue of Time Magazine wrote, “The Anti-Antidepressant”, an excellent...
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    Microscopic Submarines for the Stomach

    I love this one, and I am being quite sincere. Science Daily recently published a new treatment for gastritis and GERD using microscopic "motors" that swim around in the stomach, neutralizing excessive acid. I had a bathtub toy that could have been the genesis of the idea. I have very few early...
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    Change in prescription category for Creon

    Last year was my first year on Medicare with supplemental insurance and prescription coverage from Anthem BCBS. My wife is a retired state employee and we buy our supplemental insurance through PERA. As usual, for us, we attended the meeting explaining the new version of insurance. It now...
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    The War Against Patients in Pain. Beware, this could be you!

    In 2014 most states implemented some form of Policy for Prescribing and Dispensing Opioids. (Opioids are Narcotics). The policy outline and related material was distributed at the 2013 National Governor's Conference and it has been cookie cuttered into most state's DORA or Department of...
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    Help! Total Pancreatectomy with Auto-Islet Transplant, Need Information, Experiences.

    I am at wit's end. I've dealt with wicked chronic pancreatic pain and equally wicked amounts of narcotics to control it for forty years. This latest round of the medical industry's latest narcotic knee jerk is closing off access and I just don't have any fight left. It's maybe time to rip this...
  8. L

    Help! Total Pancreatectomy with Auto-Islet transplant, Need Information, experiences.

    I am at wit's end. I've dealt with wicked chronic pancreatic pain and equally wicked amounts of narcotics to control it for forty years. This latest round of the medical industry's latest narcotic knee jerk is closing in and I just don't have any fight left. It's maybe time to rip this baby out...