Search results

  1. M

    alternative therapies

    I am slowly discovering that for the most part, the medical system is bullshit. I am interested in investigating alternative therapies- I know that antibiotics are necessary sometimes, and that surgery can have benefits if it's necessary in the first place. However, surgery when there wasn't...
  2. M

    yoga breathing

    a little while back someone told me something about some type of breathing, I think associated with a certain yoga style, through which some guy has increased his lung capacity to three times what is average. For some reason I wasn't paying much attention at the time.I know capacity isn't really...
  3. M

    crazy cfers?

    I just found this site, and in my surfing through it I couldn't help but notice a couple of threads (cocaine use, tattoos) implying cfers are wilder, crazier than non-cfers. Then I remembered someone saying something along those lines to me, that cfers party too hard for their own good, they're...
  4. M

    vegan diet

    Hey everyone. I just discovered and joined this forum this morning, it looks to be very informative and useful. I was wondering if anyone can offer any advice on a high calorie/cf vegan diet? Is it possible, are there any other (not calorie related) risks unique to cfers? I have been...