anybody taken Levofloxacin 500 mg tablets for bacterial lung infections?


New member
just wondering if any of you older adults have taken Levofloxacin 500 mg tablets for bronchiectasis or other lung infections. I was just prescribed this for 10 days, and after reading the drug insert it scares the heck out of me. So many serious potential side effects. this is my first bacterial infection since being diagnosed with CF. I am now 77 and just diagnosed this year. A cat scan showed bronchiectasis in my lungs. Seems a less strong antibiotic would have been a better choice since I have been doing well and score in the high 90's on my pft's. haven't had a bacterial infection in years. Is this overkill in my case? I have run a little fever (101) and had a heavy cough with yellowish sputum for a few days, but doesn't seem that bad. I am afraid that taking such strong antibiotics now, may cause them to not work as well later, if I am really seriously sick. I don't like to second guess my CF doctor but am a little uncomfortable with this medication. Anyone have any experience with this?


Super Moderator
Levaquin gives me terrible joint pain and super weird nightmares so i don't take it anymore. for the most part when we're given antibiotics they are usually really strong doses for longer than "regular" sick people would take them. I have had pharmacies call my doctors before because they were surprised to see such a large/long dose of medications. If you haven't been on antibiotics in years then it's highly unlikely that this 10 day course will cause you to become resistant. Did they do a culture on you to see what you're growing? with the fever and yellow sputum it definitely sounds like infection and they can get out of control quickly if you don't knock it down. If you're really uncomfortable with the medication talk to your doctor or nurse about it and see what other options there may be. hope you feel better soon!


New member
If I were you I would take it and watch out for adverse signs. You want to keep as healthy as possible and this is a first step to doing that. I was on it a lot and finally developed a torn rotator cuff twice. The second time I made the connection so no more for me but now IV's are needed. Congratulations on 77 years. Gives others hope to reaching that too.


New member
This is a tough drug, and honestly think they could give you something else. I will be honest, its HORRIBLE- FOR ME, that is, EVERYONE one responses differently! Its up to you to try. My experience, I would get very bad insomnia form it when I can only "sleep" 4 hours, and then jolt up from bizarre nightmares. My joints cracked badly on it, and eventually got this really weird depression type feeling. Suffered 3 times on and became allergic to other fluoroquinolones and WILL NEVER take them or that class again- but I might take Cipro. I got a burning rash and fevers. So no more for me. In fact these drugs are very close to being removed from the market because of side effects and have a 'black box' warning.

Just call your doctor and tell him you don't want to take this and your uncomfortable and want something else, doctors are fine became they don't suffer themselves from side effects and they just write a prescription and send you on your way. Always SPEAK UP, you are your own health care provider esp. with CF! :)


Levaquin is broad spectrum and statistically has low side effects. But if you are older, take corticosteroids and are male (your username indicates that is not the case :), then you are more likely to have tendon rupture with this class of antibiotics.

If you don't feel horrible, you should ask your doctor to take the time to do a sputum culture with sensitivity testing. Chances are, though, that Levaquin will turn out to be one of the best meds for what you have.

In my case, it took probably 20-30 courses of this class of med before I started having ankle pain, insomnia and weird dreams. But, I DO get all that and have to weigh the pros and cons carefully before starting a course.


Super Moderator
My husband (bronchiectasis, no CF) recently switched doctors and this is what his new doctor prescribes, except at 750mg once a day. My husband has only done one round of this but had no problems.



Levaquin and Cipro are both fluoroquinolones that can cause serious side effects.

That said, most people do not have problems with these drugs. I've taken 10 to 21 day courses of these drugs well over 100 times, and fortunately have not been aware of any adverse effects.

When I’m not feeling well, my doctors usually have my sputum analyzed to see what antibiotics will work best to fight the “bugs” that were found. Levaquin and Cipro are among the very few oral antibiotics that are effective fighting Pseudomonas, so a “less strong antibiotic” may be of no use.

Depending on what you are culturing, it may be best if you take the Levaquin and carefully monitor your reactions to it.

I Hope you feeling better soon!

NOTE: As a result of Kalydeco my need for Cipro may be over, G-d willing. If you too have a Class 3 or Class 4 mutation, you talk to your CF doctor about prescribing it.


If yr. not comfortable with taking it DO NOT TAKE IT at yr age and pft in 90 there are drugs out there not as strong. I think this drug is way over prescribed. I agree with hvg a culture taken first. I learned the hard way by taking drugs prescribed without readg side effects only to come up with more serious issues. Pat-59/CF


I had a bad experience with levaquin just last weekend. I was given 750 mg once a day and I got a rash all over my chest in large blotches of red on arms and legs - just awful. Doc took me off after 3 days when he saw my skin. I had the same thing happen in Feb. when I took the same dose for about ten days and ended up going to IV drugs anyway. I had taken levaquin at 500 mg many times in the past and did not have same reaction.I am now taking antihistamine to help the skin recover. Some progress. I do have old damaged skin from sun and antibiotics.

I am 68 years old. As stated above cipro and levaquin are the only oral AB that can(?) work on Pseudomonas. I was not diagnosed with CF until four years ago and that was my first hospitalization and IV drugs.

I also once had my thumb snap on me and swear it was a result of accumulated levaquin/cipro.


68yrs old Bless you, now to get a diagnosis so late, I guess you did not struggle that much prior. But even at yr. age question the benefits of any medication. I did not do that for many years. I think I was in the clouds at times ok take this fine, only to come up with more issues. Now I make it my biz. to question. Good Luck to You. Pat-59/CF