Anyone have L206W and R347P mutations?


New member
Hi All-
I recently found out at my prenatal screening that I am a carrier for the R347P gene and my husband the L206W gene. This news came as a shock to us as we do not know anyone in either family having CF. We will undergo an amniocentesis in the next few weeks to see if the baby does indeed have CF. My question is to see if anyone has either of these mutations and what a typical day is like for you. What medications work for you? I am an ICU nurse but I have limited experience with CF so am very interested to learn. Thank you and God bless.


Hello jessiecaroler08,
Welcome to the world of CF. It is a blessing you have the confirmation that you and your husband are CFTR carriers even before your precious child is born as that struggle to even be diagnosed is off the table. Amen. So as to whether or not your baby will be a carrier or afflicted with CF is all in a roll of the genetic dice. You are playing the genetic lottery and you just might be a winner......I am one of the L206W people you are looking for. There are about a dozen of us here. I found some of the others by searching this site for the word "L206W" and then privately emailed some others to talk. I do NOT speak for any of the others, just for myself. The literature out there seems to group L206W CFers into a "safer & older" category of those with CF, as many appear to be older when diagnosed and that means they have lived longer to reach that diagnosis, however, I am not one of them. I was diagnosed at age 6 months based on my 2 siblings already having been diagnosed with CF. So I am the exception and not the rule. I have found most with L206W are diagnosed much later in their lives and have a more normal/stable course. By that I mean L206W seems to confer an older age when first diagnosed and FINALLY having an answer to why they have been plagued all their lives with various GI & pulmonary symptoms yet no CF diagnosis.
I will throw this out there: Does your husband have any Canadian relatives who might have started out in Quebec?? I ask as MANY in the CF Registry have a French Canadian connection. So that is a starting point to ask of your husband. The answer could be NO, or a surprising YES, and if YES, well, his genetic mutation has roots in Canada & France.
It's way too early to discuss which meds work for me as you are not yet at that point yet and each person is different. Your baby will be started on the typical cocktail most CF patients are started on as infants, not on the hard core stuff I take for resistant bugs. As with many CFers, I have significant hearing loss due to aggressive use of aminoglycosides. While they do help in the CF fight, this class of drugs is known to either wipe out your hearing or your kidneys (ototoxic and nephrotoxic), so be wary of this when your child requires these drugs but don't panic and outright prohibit them as they ARE helpful against Pseudomonas. Your baby might be diagnosed with CF based on acquiring one CF gene from each parent, but the GOLD STANDARD for this diagnosis is the Sweat Test, so you should then you should be referred to your local CF accredited center. GO! Get thee hence! Write down all your questions and bring them. Start reading and asking, but don't be terrified. CF has made incredible leaps in treatment and longevity so you should expect your child to grow up, marry, have a career and give you grandchildren. It's all possible with proper support and management. Prayer helps too! Let live your life on your fears. We L206W's are out there and I am living a life of contented happiness, despite CF. I also must ad that my journey with CF is faith based, and without God, I'd not be the well, rounded person I am. I have buried both siblings and CF has popped up in the next generation, like the gift that keeps on giving..........Email me. I'll listen. GoryLori


New member
Jessica, GoryLori brings out very good points related to L206w. I have that mutation along with DF508, which is the most common mutation. I was diagnosed at 41 years old. I am 44 years old now. I probably should have been diagnosed in my late 20s, but doctor after doctor missed the diagnosis. My lung function is pretty good, in the 80s. I work hard in doing therapies twice a day and I do good deal of exercising which keeps me healthy. I fight lung infections frequently and have to be on antibiotics from time to time. Having cf is a lot of work, but cf treatment has come a long way and people are living longer and longer. I live a very full life. Work full-time and volunteer my time to help others. I feel for you and the anxiety you must be facing at this time. Just know that we are here for you

Hi All-
I recently found out at my prenatal screening that I am a carrier for the R347P gene and my husband the L206W gene. This news came as a shock to us as we do not know anyone in either family having CF. We will undergo an amniocentesis in the next few weeks to see if the baby does indeed have CF. My question is to see if anyone has either of these mutations and what a typical day is like for you. What medications work for you? I am an ICU nurse but I have limited experience with CF so am very interested to learn. Thank you and God bless.


New member
Thank you gorylori- my husband's dad was adopted do we are unaware of that side of the family. Thank you for your input and your advice. Do you have any other mutation other then l206w?


My other CF Mutation (oh Lucky Me) is 591del18, which translated means 591 deletion 18. It is even MORE rare than L206W, with less than 0.1% of people having this unique mutation. That one is found in Native American Indians, with 6 so far in the CF Registry.