

New member
Now that everybody seems to have cooled down a bit, myself included; I would like to apologize to everybody involved for language I used on this forum back in late Nov./early Dec.
As we all know, there are some subjects that stir emotions to a boiling point. I allowed myself to be overcome & I used language that was totally inappropriate. For that, I am truly sorry.
Thanks to you all for the information & comradeship over the last few years.
May God bless & be with you all.


Thank you, Pat. This is a special community dedicated to support and positivity while dealing with this disease and I appreciate your effort to keep it that way :)


New member
By the way, is it just me or CFers tend to have a strong temper? many of the cfers I know act like that when they are upset. They can be real sweet people but once they pass the line.... They are like Hulk!!

I have seen it all between 15 yo kids and 50 yo adults.


New member
I think people are devi

ded into fighters and quitters. Quitters w/ CF don't last very long. I don't know what happened but it's good that you're a fighter.