Chicago CF Awareness Day


New member
I know that there are not to many people from the Chicago area on this board, but I did want to remind them that the Awareness Day is this Saturday at the Oak Brook Hills resort. It is a very imformative day so if you can make it, please come.

Adult CF'er


New member
I know that there are not to many people from the Chicago area on this board, but I did want to remind them that the Awareness Day is this Saturday at the Oak Brook Hills resort. It is a very imformative day so if you can make it, please come.

Adult CF'er


New member
I know that there are not to many people from the Chicago area on this board, but I did want to remind them that the Awareness Day is this Saturday at the Oak Brook Hills resort. It is a very imformative day so if you can make it, please come.

Adult CF'er


New member
My mom will be there. I don't go because of the other CFers there and I am getting IVs on Tuesday so I can't be too careful


New member
My mom will be there. I don't go because of the other CFers there and I am getting IVs on Tuesday so I can't be too careful


New member
My mom will be there. I don't go because of the other CFers there and I am getting IVs on Tuesday so I can't be too careful