Coughing up blood on Orkambi 3 months! Help

Sarah 95

New member
Hi there im 22 years old and on orkambi 3 months, this evening i started to cough up blood! thought i was doing well but im worried now usually the blood disappears after a cough or that, but its very red and has some clots in some plugs but plugs are just pure red! bit worried has anyone else experienced this ? thanks in advance!


I've had this happen a couple of times and it can happen. Just make sure you're drinking a lot of water when this happens and stop airway clearance until the bleeding stops and take it easy (like you would with a normal hemoptysis.) If the amount of blood (stuff not mixed in with mucus) is more than a tablespoon, call your doctor. However, remember your body is changing and lungs are starting to work a bit differently. There is going to be some irritation to them.


New member
Hey Sarah, Have you had any other indications that it might be the Orkambi that is causing this? Any other changes in your health?