coughing up blood & sick with 3 month old baby


New member
so far the bleeding has stopped and my cough seems better, so no IV's needed yet - KNOCK ON WOOD!

Candice, AJ & Brianna would make a cute couple! hehehe


New member
so far the bleeding has stopped and my cough seems better, so no IV's needed yet - KNOCK ON WOOD!

Candice, AJ & Brianna would make a cute couple! hehehe


New member
so far the bleeding has stopped and my cough seems better, so no IV's needed yet - KNOCK ON WOOD!

Candice, AJ & Brianna would make a cute couple! hehehe


New member
so far the bleeding has stopped and my cough seems better, so no IV's needed yet - KNOCK ON WOOD!

Candice, AJ & Brianna would make a cute couple! hehehe


New member
so far the bleeding has stopped and my cough seems better, so no IV's needed yet - KNOCK ON WOOD!
<br />
<br />Candice, AJ & Brianna would make a cute couple! hehehe