Diabetics -- what do you do with your sharps?


New member
Putting them in the garbage is a HUGE no no. I know when I did my IVF cycle we contacted the local needle exchange via the local county health department. They exchanged my used needles for new ones.


New member
Putting them in the garbage is a HUGE no no. I know when I did my IVF cycle we contacted the local needle exchange via the local county health department. They exchanged my used needles for new ones.


New member
Putting them in the garbage is a HUGE no no. I know when I did my IVF cycle we contacted the local needle exchange via the local county health department. They exchanged my used needles for new ones.


New member
Putting them in the garbage is a HUGE no no. I know when I did my IVF cycle we contacted the local needle exchange via the local county health department. They exchanged my used needles for new ones.


New member
Putting them in the garbage is a HUGE no no. I know when I did my IVF cycle we contacted the local needle exchange via the local county health department. They exchanged my used needles for new ones.


New member
Actually, search your city/county waste website. I wish I had the link to prove it, but my city says an appropriate, and legal, way to get rid of diabetic insulin needles is to place them in a sturdy plastic or metal container, like a coffee tin, laundry detergent bottle, with a lid and duct tape around the lid. Then throw the bottle in the trash. Just make sure it is securely sealed.

After it hits the trash compactor, I don't know, but maybe no one would come in contact with the trash. (no clue how the system works).

Although, a needle exchange or sharps container would probably be a better idea.


New member
Actually, search your city/county waste website. I wish I had the link to prove it, but my city says an appropriate, and legal, way to get rid of diabetic insulin needles is to place them in a sturdy plastic or metal container, like a coffee tin, laundry detergent bottle, with a lid and duct tape around the lid. Then throw the bottle in the trash. Just make sure it is securely sealed.

After it hits the trash compactor, I don't know, but maybe no one would come in contact with the trash. (no clue how the system works).

Although, a needle exchange or sharps container would probably be a better idea.


New member
Actually, search your city/county waste website. I wish I had the link to prove it, but my city says an appropriate, and legal, way to get rid of diabetic insulin needles is to place them in a sturdy plastic or metal container, like a coffee tin, laundry detergent bottle, with a lid and duct tape around the lid. Then throw the bottle in the trash. Just make sure it is securely sealed.

After it hits the trash compactor, I don't know, but maybe no one would come in contact with the trash. (no clue how the system works).

Although, a needle exchange or sharps container would probably be a better idea.


New member
Actually, search your city/county waste website. I wish I had the link to prove it, but my city says an appropriate, and legal, way to get rid of diabetic insulin needles is to place them in a sturdy plastic or metal container, like a coffee tin, laundry detergent bottle, with a lid and duct tape around the lid. Then throw the bottle in the trash. Just make sure it is securely sealed.

After it hits the trash compactor, I don't know, but maybe no one would come in contact with the trash. (no clue how the system works).

Although, a needle exchange or sharps container would probably be a better idea.


New member
Actually, search your city/county waste website. I wish I had the link to prove it, but my city says an appropriate, and legal, way to get rid of diabetic insulin needles is to place them in a sturdy plastic or metal container, like a coffee tin, laundry detergent bottle, with a lid and duct tape around the lid. Then throw the bottle in the trash. Just make sure it is securely sealed.

After it hits the trash compactor, I don't know, but maybe no one would come in contact with the trash. (no clue how the system works).

Although, a needle exchange or sharps container would probably be a better idea.


Staff member
Always seemed odd, to me too, but when we had a diabetic dog I either got my sharps containers from walmart, the pharmacy or drugstore.com and we were also told by the sanitation department that it was allowable to toss the container in the garbage. In fact some people used plastic laundry detergent containers and duct tape.


Staff member
Always seemed odd, to me too, but when we had a diabetic dog I either got my sharps containers from walmart, the pharmacy or drugstore.com and we were also told by the sanitation department that it was allowable to toss the container in the garbage. In fact some people used plastic laundry detergent containers and duct tape.


Staff member
Always seemed odd, to me too, but when we had a diabetic dog I either got my sharps containers from walmart, the pharmacy or drugstore.com and we were also told by the sanitation department that it was allowable to toss the container in the garbage. In fact some people used plastic laundry detergent containers and duct tape.


Staff member
Always seemed odd, to me too, but when we had a diabetic dog I either got my sharps containers from walmart, the pharmacy or drugstore.com and we were also told by the sanitation department that it was allowable to toss the container in the garbage. In fact some people used plastic laundry detergent containers and duct tape.


Staff member
Always seemed odd, to me too, but when we had a diabetic dog I either got my sharps containers from walmart, the pharmacy or drugstore.com and we were also told by the sanitation department that it was allowable to toss the container in the garbage. In fact some people used plastic laundry detergent containers and duct tape.