Do YOU feel guilty for being sick?


New member
Just wondering if any one of YOU people (me included) feel guilty for being sick all the time? Like everyone else is supposed 'automatically' be understanding and bend over backwards to accomodate YOU. How many other people's lives have to revolve around US? OUR appts? OUR hospitalizations? OUR dreams/goals? OUR personal wants? OUR desires to be 'normal' when it inconveniences everyone else around us?
Do we realize how much we are truly burdening others around us with our complicated lives?

Anyone feel the same?


Super Moderator
I am so sorry for any guilt you are feeling. That has to suck, that in addition to you going through it all, you feel bad that it is affecting others. As a mom, all I can say is I have NEVER regretted any inconvenience or interference with what my personal wants are. Does it suck sometimes. Sure. But that's love. And if I could bear it all for our son, I would, but I can't. Hang in there. Sending you hugs and prayers.


Super Moderator
Bless you for your empathy. But let that one go! We ALL have our Achilles heel. CFer and non CFer alike. We may not always know what others are going through - physically, socially, financially, medically, psychologically or otherwise. But every last one of us on this earth has challenges. I personally see them as opportunities to help one another and help ourselves. We are here for the challenges. I'm no saint. Nothing even close. And sometimes I get downright furious at CF - (and cancer and MS and diabetes and.....) but not at the person who was born with it. You are perfect. CF, on the other hand, van be a bummer!


New member
I completely understand what you feel. I've always been the person who would do anything for anyone, to be helpful, even if I didn't want to. I like helping others; it makes me feel good to think I've lessened a weight for someone else. So when I get sick, I feel like the world's biggest inconvenience. I help in my cousin's 4th grade classroom. I grade assignments and enter them into the computer so my cousin can focus on teaching. I missed the last two weeks due to illness and I felt horrible about it. I felt even worse when I went on Tuesday and saw how backed up she was on grading. It didn't matter that I was in the hospital and couldn't help it. I felt like a horrible, horrible person for leaving her in that position.

I know that my family doesn't see me as a burden. They've told me time and time again. But I can't help it. I know how much this disease inconveniences my life, so it's hard for me to not think of how it affects everyone around me.


New member
If they love you, you will never be a burden, but a gift. This is where unconditional love comes in. Maybe some of the stuff you are going through is a pain in the ass, but that does not make you a burden. Life in general is a pain in the ass. You have to take the good with the bad and find a thread of joy through it all.


Some people asked my why I was going to marry a man with cf. My reply was that I loved him, not his illness, and that I would rather be with him for any length of time. We could all be killed in a car crash today. So every moment is precious. Not to say I don't get pissed off or annoyed like any other normal person. But it's love baby!



Some people asked my why I was going to marry a man with cf. My reply was that I loved him, not his illness, and that I would rather be with him for any length of time. We could all be killed in a car crash today. So every moment is precious. Not to say I don't get pissed off or annoyed like any other normal person. But it's love baby!

Never I am so independent, do just abt everything myself, as a matter fact I am sick of people askg me for help. They think cause I look well I am. I want to say hey remember me I am the one with one lung, stomach issues, hearing problems, anxiety and a shit load of other stuff. You shd not feel guilt, people are helping you because they love you, and want you to hv a quality of life that will make you want to push on. Get rid of those thoughts they are a waste of energy.