Failure to thrive! OPINIONS PLZ


New member
We had issues with both boys gaining weight in the beginning...I was made to give up breastfeeding with the first and was determined not to go there with the second.
SO....i concocted my own plan :) We did supplement with formula, but what i did was add it into the applesauce that I was using to get the enzymes down. My son did wonderful with that and gained beautifully.
As for breastfeeding, I would look into some of the teas or even natural pills they have for increasing your milk supply.

blessings to you,


New member
We never had any adverse effects from putting it in the applesauce and my son was an infant/newborn at the time. talk to your dietician and see what she thinks...i never talked to mine, because she was very stuck on the way their clinic did things...
I would just have the formula powder in a dish, that I wanted to use for the day. Everytime I would nurse, I would put a little of the powder in the applesauce.
How are your baby's poops??? I know at this age, it is hard to tell if they are normal or not....are you seeing any grease or mucus coming through???



New member
My daughter wouldn't nurse so I've been pumping for the last 10 months. She gets breast feed bottles and the formula I put in her Jared food. It's the only way she'll take it. You do what works for you. My dietician doesn't like the way I'm doing it but at least it's getting in.


New member
If there is still malabsorption then the docs should be trying different things. If the enzymes aren't working correctly then it doesn't matter what you feed her (breast or bottle), she's going to malabsorb.


New member

First of all congrats on your new little one! Second, I was in a similar boat. I was breastfeeding but it just wasnt enough, so I wound up breastfeeding and supplementing with bottles. We use similac advance. My daughter is now five months old (DDf508) and is now a healthy weight. She takes half a zenpep pill with applesauce at every other feeding. You have to put the enzymes in a food of some sort (not milk) or it won't work - at least zenpep wont.

Anyway, don't think too much about it. If the baby is hungry feed her. There is no magic reward for moms who only breastfeed. I enjoyed breastfeeding but realized the baby needed more so we gave her formula and the weight started coming on soon after. Maybe start with a nice sized bottle of formula before bed and take it from there. Again, I am not a doctor but this is what we do. Good luck, any other questions, feel free to message me.


Failure to thrive

I admire your persistence with the breastfeeding and I'm sorry to hear about lack of weight gain in your DD. When my son wasnt gaining weight as a baby he was unwell due to a chest infection or the enzymes weren't strong enough so at the hospital they did many faecal fat tests and we kept changing the enzymes to a larger strength. We went from the lowest dose per capsule to the highest and I was told they only lasted half an hour in the stomach so one feed could easily take an hour. I understand if you're exhausted and hope for a turn around real soon in your situation.


New member
Have you consulted with a lactation consultant? I was in you difficult situation 13 years ago and stopped breast feeding so my daughter could be on high calorie specialty formula. 2 years later my second daughter no CF was a premmie and failureto thrive the best lactation consultant at the hospital brought an NG tube meant for tube feeding with the tube going down the baby's nose. However, instead of incerting the tube we used medical tape and taped it to my chest so as my daughter nursed she got both breast milk and the supplement. Then she gained weight got stronger and nursed more effectively. Mymilk came in great a few weeks later. This was 10 years ago, but may be worth asking about. I nursed my second child to a yeay and regret not knowing this option for my first child. This also worked because I was sooooo much less stressed because my baby was still getting breast milk and the doctor was off my case because she was getting the supplement.

Best wishes
breastfeeding and CF

Hi Dowling,
Just a little more information (like you need more!) : There is a way to supplement AT the breast. You can keep breastfeeding and with a teeny little tube (#5 french) you latch the baby first, and supplement with a bottle of formula hanging between your breasts on a lanyard, check the webpage for MEDELA (no endorsement intended) for the SNS or Supplemental Nursing System. You can continue to latch at the breast, not giving up the connection with your baby and stimulate the hormones of lactation at the same time. Its not as complicated as it sounds. You don't have to pump at all, because your baby is at the breast getting her supplement. No prescription needed, either, just go to any good baby department with breastfeeding supplies, they sell the SNS. Look it up!

I am a mom of two adult boys with CF and I am a lactation consultant too.
Message me if you like,
Isabella Mendoza,


New member
Rowan weighs a whopping 7 lbs 3.4 oz. still teeny tiny but quite a ways from 5 lbs 5 oz where we started . The weight is her only symptom of cf which I am thankful for. Airways are great and @ 100%, no acid reflux or spitting up, normal Breastfeeding bowl movements , sleeps great, no coughing or wheezing .


New member
That's a great weight gain. Congratulations! Something to ask your cf team about... even without reflux, sometimes cf-ers' bodies are too acidic naturally and cause the enzymes to break down too early in the digestive tract. A lot of cf-ers (even newborns) take a very small dose of reflux medicine (I believe you're usually started on a liquid zantec) to try to keep the enzymes from being digested too early so that more food is absorbed. If you're still having slow weight gain, or if it slows down again, then you should ask the question. We found we get better care and better results if we are extremely proactive in the information we bring to the table and the medications and treatments plans that we push for.


Rowan weighs a whopping 7 lbs 3.4 oz. still teeny tiny but quite a ways from 5 lbs 5 oz where we started . The weight is her only symptom of cf which I am thankful for. Airways are great and @ 100%, no acid reflux or spitting up, normal Breastfeeding bowl movements , sleeps great, no coughing or wheezing .

So great about the weight gain, you must be so relieved! keep up the good work;)


My daughter was hospitalized with failure to thrive on her first birthday. The doctors could not understand what happened or even how she was able to gain weight all of the sudden. She was just now recently diagnosed with CF and she is now 4. If you can, jump for a simple blood test to see if CF is a possible factor. It wouldn't hurt to do it now rather than later. :( I wish I knew to ask when it came to my daughter.


New member
We already know she has CF! That's why I'm on this forum . She was diagnosed through her newborn screen at 7 days old. We've resolved the issue anyway. We switched enzymes and added a little liquid Zantac . She is gaining about an ounce a day now. She's still a lil peanut weighing in at 10lbs 12 oz at 4 months old , but my two other kids w/o cf were really skinny as babies!


Dear Mom,

First - congrats on your new bundle of joy! My heart breaks for you and your family. Know that you are not alone and as crazy as it may sound and sooner than you would ever expect you will have a new normal. We are a bit over two years since our son was diagnosed and I'm not going to say its easy but it's manageable and i have an appreciation for the blessings in my life that is newfound. People surprise me and I now see beauty and kindness in others that I missed before. For example, we had a complete stranger run a half marathon to raise funds for CF after hearing our story from a friend.
Back to the topic at hand...I exclusively breastfed my son for 12 months and partially until 19 months. He had dropped down to 9% or something horrible like that after birth. Once we started on the enzymes the turnaround was dramatic. One of the toughest parts of CF is how different every person is, so there isn't an easy answer. Breast milk is certainly beneficial for babies and especially CFers. That being said, I would recommend consulting with the CF specialist regularly and the dietician at your clinic. If you haven't been to the clinic call and ask for contact info. The early days are so stressful and your CF team can only help if they know you need it. Also, trust your are the mother and still know your child best. If your gut is telling you something is off it probably is. Most importantly, be gentle with yourself and have confidance in your decisions. Breast feeding is challenging on its own, especially with other toddlers at home, I know, so remember to weigh in the affect of bf on you. A less stressed mom is a huge win. There are pros and cons but the most important thing is to get her on a stable weight gain, however that happens. Best of luck!


Sorry - I hadnt noticed the original post date but just read the updates on her weight!!!! Whewhoo!!! Awesome job mom!!!