Hospital Time


New member
I never have a good time in the hospital. My doctors tell me this is because I go in for surgery and I am in pain the whole time. I think it is because I have to go an hour away from home to go in the hospital. None of my friends can make it to visit me so I spend much of my time alone. My IV usually starts acting up and they have to move it a lot to get the medicine in my system. One thing I can not stand the most is being alone for so long. All I have is my nurses and computer to stay in touch with everyone.


New member
I never have a good time in the hospital. My doctors tell me this is because I go in for surgery and I am in pain the whole time. I think it is because I have to go an hour away from home to go in the hospital. None of my friends can make it to visit me so I spend much of my time alone. My IV usually starts acting up and they have to move it a lot to get the medicine in my system. One thing I can not stand the most is being alone for so long. All I have is my nurses and computer to stay in touch with everyone.


New member
I never have a good time in the hospital. My doctors tell me this is because I go in for surgery and I am in pain the whole time. I think it is because I have to go an hour away from home to go in the hospital. None of my friends can make it to visit me so I spend much of my time alone. My IV usually starts acting up and they have to move it a lot to get the medicine in my system. One thing I can not stand the most is being alone for so long. All I have is my nurses and computer to stay in touch with everyone.


New member
Like you, we live far away from our hospital. It is a 3 hour drive for us. My suggestion is to try to keep busy. Ask for puzzles, books, movies. Crafts, if you are in to that. Recently, a model car kit was a good distraction. It didn't turn out very good, but it keeps you busy. Know that you are doing what you need to do to get out. See if they have a Wii. Keep your head up! Life is a roller coaster!