
New member
I am currently a 20 year old medical student and have been recently reading up on cystic fibrosis. Apparently I seem to be exhibiting the symptoms this disease has. My main concern is the secretion of mucous. I have been spitting out green thick mucous for over 2 years now, and the problem doesn't seem to go away. I also show other symptoms such as problem gaining weight (6 ft 145 LB), fatigue, persistent lung infections, inflammed left lymph node in neck, out of range WBC's, eusinophils and monocytes on blood test report, <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">

Maybe I am just a paranoid hypochondriac or maybe my reason of doubt might prove otherwise. I just need some insight and information If you have any suggestions or comments please email me back, or im me on aim: <u>Eclipseracer786</u>


New member
with just having signs of it, noone can reallie tell u if u have cf or not.. the only person that could do that is ur doc. so if u think u do i think u should go and get a test done for it..


New member
If you are very concerned, go get a sweat test done. It's painless. I'm not sure about swollen lymph nodes being a symptom of CF? I've never heard of it. And also, what do monocytes on blood tests indicate?


New member
I'm sure you're probably freaking out about this. Perhaps you should meet with a dr. to follow up. I think almost everyone at one time or another exhibits symptoms but it does sound like you have several. And maybe it isn't CF but it sounds like you should get treated for the symptoms if it is CF or not. That way you could have insight on what to do to take the best care of yourself. Good luck and if it IS CF, just remember it is something you have to be sensitive about and listen to your body, it is NOT a death sentence. Best wishes


New member
It does sound as if you may have some characteristics of CF. But one red flag for me is that you're 6 foot tall. If you have CF and are female, you could very well be the tallest female out there w/ CF! I usually thought we are small, short little things. I don't think men w/CF are normally tall either, but I may stand corrected there.
A couple of other things that indicate CF would be...are your fingernails large on the ends, called clubbing? That's a sign of CF and also, digestive problems, not digesting food well. The thick green mucous does sound like a symptom of CF.
I would get tested if I were you. Keep us posted if you dont' mind and let us know what you find out. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Sorry I shouldve been more specific, im a 6 foot male <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>It does sound as if you may have some characteristics of CF. But one red flag for me is that you're 6 foot tall. If you have CF and are female, you could very well be the tallest female out there w/ CF! I usually thought we are small, short little things. I don't think men w/CF are normally tall either, but I may stand corrected there.<hr></blockquote>

I'm just over 5'9 and female.. I know some girls with CF who are taller than me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Anyway, as others have said, the best bet would be to go to your doctor and see if you can get a sweat test done. Lung infections occur with a lot of other medical conditions as do the other symptoms, so try rule out less serious things before getting worked up about CF! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

-- Emma


New member
One of my CF friends is a male over 6' with who has a son. (My friend is almost 50 years old.) And I am a female with CF who is 5'5" and weighs 130-140 lbs. I don't have any finger clubbing and I'm 27 years old. So CF is very different with each case, each person. There is no specific stereotype to go by. There are some of the same characteristics but CF varies a lot. Just wanted to add my 2 cents.


New member
I highly doubt that you have CF, but it does sound like something is going on there. Has your WBC been high for a long time? Or is that just a recent thing? Green, thick mucous can be caused by pretty much any lung infection, not just in CF patients. Do you or did you ever smoker? I know that smokers are much more likely to cough up green or yellow mucous. Either way, I would consult a doctor.
Mary 22 w/CF


New member
I would definatly get tested because I know of a few people who have been diagnosed later in life...even some in their 30s so its not impossible. Here are some other symptoms that CFers may have:
salty skin, fingers prune very quickly in water (faster than normal), loose greasy stools or frequent bm and or stomache cramps after eating (due to malabsorption), clubbed fingernails or toenails, cronic cough, sinus problems...hmmm thats the only ones I can think of at the moment. The problem is a CFer can experience one or all of these symptoms so its hard to diagnose CF without a proper test. Also if you are going to get a sweat test go to an accredited CF center because they are the only places that you know the test will be preformed correctly..sad, but true. To find a center in your area go to cff.org and look one up in your area. The sweat test is completely painless and pretty fast and really easy. Just to warn you even ppl with ALL the classic symptoms of CF often have trouble convincing their doc to test them because docs are often miseducated and dont believe anyone, but an infant can be diagnosed. So if it is a true concern BE PERSISTANT! Like others said it could be a million different things and is probably not likly to be CF, but to ease your mind you should just get tested. Keep us posted!


New member
Yea I got my blood tests 6 months ago and the WBC's were high then i got another blood test 3 weeks ago and my wbc's were still high. Also I used to be a social smoker but its been about 8 months since I picked up my last cigarette. Also I finished a 7 day course of zithromax and now im spitting the same amount but the mucous is more whitish then green.


New member
I guess I was way off on the height thing! The few people I know that have CF are what I would consider below normal height. It's nice to know there are some taller people out there w/ CF. Not that it really matters, I just assumed we all were shorties like my sister & I. (both w/ CF & 5'2") <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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i do wish i was shorter though! ever tried to find trousers when youre a 6' female? it just doesnt happen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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It does sound as if you are exhibiting some of the S&S of CF. I have a few questions for you...are you SOB at times, especially when you increase your activity? Is it hard for you to bring up the mucus? Are you on any type of inhalers or respiratory treatments? Do you have a hx of asthma? Have you been exhibiting these S&S since childhood. It is very rare for someone to be diagnosed with the disease in adulthood, but I dont think it is unheard of. As it was said before....have a sweat test done...get real concrete results, be an advocate for yourself. Does it run in your family? You may be a carrier of the mutated gene...even though carriers don't exhibit S&S. Whatever the outcome...good luck to you...and good luck in school. Remember, there is hope for a cure. I am a nurse...and my daughter has CF. She is doing beautifully. Take care....kepp us posted. NICOLE


New member
Everytime I increase my physical activites, I tend to spit alot and sometimes have trouble breathing. I also sweat alot more than the average joe, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with CF but I just wanted to add it. My symptoms definitely resemble CF but when I apporoach my classmates they all call me crazy including my family doctor and mother. They say CF is out of the picture, but the symptoms I exhibit speak otherwise. My skin also tastes salty but my friend who just recently passed the boards says everyone has salty sweat, and he continues to call me a hypochondriac, but he cant give me and explanation for my symtoms.


New member
Make sure you talk with a CF EXPERIENCED DOCTOR!!! Call a CF center and ask a few questions. Ask to talk to a nurse and explain how you feel. If they feel you should get tested, do it! It could be CF or one of thousands of other things. It could be similar or have matching symptoms but could be something else that needs immediate medical attention. what ever you do don't wait on it. CF or not, it needs to be looked at.