Nebulizer cup confusion


New member
Hi all - you'd think I'd know this by now! At any rate, we use the Sidestream Plus for DD's HTS and the Sidestream cup for Pulmozyme. We recently purchased a Pari Vios and received two LC Sprints with the compressor. What can these be used for? Thanks.


New member
Hi all - you'd think I'd know this by now! At any rate, we use the Sidestream Plus for DD's HTS and the Sidestream cup for Pulmozyme. We recently purchased a Pari Vios and received two LC Sprints with the compressor. What can these be used for? Thanks.


New member
The Pari cups are a good choice for pretty much any nebulized medication- Sprint were developed after the Pari LC's but work the same way, slightly faster. The regular sidestream cup is approved for pulmozyme when you have a 50psi compressor, so the sprint cups or the breath-enhanced Sidestream Plus you have (to minimize wastage) may be a better choice with the pari compressor. check with the dr of course if you aren't sure.


New member
The Pari cups are a good choice for pretty much any nebulized medication- Sprint were developed after the Pari LC's but work the same way, slightly faster. The regular sidestream cup is approved for pulmozyme when you have a 50psi compressor, so the sprint cups or the breath-enhanced Sidestream Plus you have (to minimize wastage) may be a better choice with the pari compressor. check with the dr of course if you aren't sure.