New to CF


New member
<b>I was wondering since my nieces children have CF, should I be
concerned that my children could have it or be carriers.  My
niece is a carrier and they believe it came from my side of the
family.  <br>
Thank you for your help.<br>
Aunt Karla</b>


New member
Yes, CF is genetic and is passed from parent to child - so other blood relatives may be carriers.

Yes, there is a small possibility that your kids could be carriers or have CF (I know you mentioned your child was tested a while back)

So here's how it could possibly go:

One of your parents was a carrier
That parent passed on one CF gene to you
That parent also passed on that same one CF gene to your sibling (sister or brother who is the parent of your niece)
That sibling passed on the carrier gene to your niece
Your niece had a child with someone who also is a carrier
Together they both passed on their CF gene (a one in four chance of this happening for each pregnancy)
Their child got both carrier genes (two CF genes + symptoms = CF)

So --- in the case of you and your child/children
*IF* you are a carrier (and you do not know that yet)
*AND* the father of your child/children is also a carrier
*THEN* you had a one in four (25%) chance of each pregnancy producing a child with CF and you had a one in four (25%) chance of producing a child with CF and you had a one in two (50%) chance of producing a child who is a carrier.

Carrier status for you children *shouldn't* effect their health (ther is some evidence to show that some carriers have more sinus issues than "normal" people)

I know you mentioned your son ended up being diagnosed with Anglemans and not CF, but in light of the new diagnosis's of your niece's children it might not be a bad idea to go revisit the testing possibilities of your child because if all they did was a sweat test and it was anywhere near the 30's (read my blog) I'd be pushing for FULL genetic testing (assuming you are seeing some CF type symptoms)

PS - for what it's worth - I used to work with kids on horseback for therapeutic horseback riding - my "specialty" was working with the Anglemans kids - I would always ask to be the one who worked with them - they were some of the most physically demanding kids but well worth it :)


New member
Here is a link to Julie's page that shows a chart all the possibilities of parents (carrier, non carrier and CF) passing on the genes.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://cysticfibrosismaleinfer...in_carrierTesting.html</a>