Newly Diagnosed


New member
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with CF and I am 28 years old. I know that might seem really old to be being first diagnosed but that's what happened to me. I am looking for a doctor in northern california to make an appointment with and am hoping that my primary doctor will have sme suggestions. I'm just so sick of being sick all of the time and am very nervous.


Super Moderator
I'll beat Printer and tell you to find a Cystic Fibrosis Foundation accredited CF Care Center! Follow the link below and enter your location. There are a number of accredited centers in northern California.

Regardless of your symptoms, an accredited CF Care Center is the only place to do a real assessment of your condition, and perscribe the best course of treatment.

Wishing you all the best..
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Super Moderator

Is it at an accredited CF Center? That should be easy enough to check by going to the Cycsic Fibrosis Foundation website or to the link provided above.

If it's not, you're doing your self a big disservice. Just about everyone in this forum is being seen at an accredited center.


New member
Yes it is, it's one of the ones listed on the website that you gave me when I input my information.


Active member

It is one thing to go to an approved CF Clinic but you also need to see a CF specialist at that clinic. For example, Massachusetts General Hospital has more than 3000 Doctors but less than 10 are CF Specialists.