Pet Question


New member
Have any of you ever had a pet Taranchula? My lil man is turning #6, next month. I can't believe I'm even considering this:) I've been doing my reading on them. Curious if any of you have had one for a pet. Love any input. I don't see "it" causing a germy nasty issue. If I have "it's" home cleaned often..LOL Are their people I can pay to do this:)




New member
I don't see an issue with it. But may I just say how very very VERY brave you are!!! I have the worst fear of spiders....especially super sized ones!!! Good luck girl!!! Right now we are nursing a baby dove, a baby raccoon, and we have a large rabbit in the house that was threatening to die of a heat stroke! We also have a dog, a cat, chickens, a horse and cows outside. But never have I ever considered snakes or spiders!! You go girl!!!


New member
The biggest thing to remember with Tarantulas is that when they feel threatened they will rub their abdomens with their hind legs, causing a plume of hair to become airborne If your child has CF, inhaling these hairs if his face is close could really irritate his lungs and airways. Other than that, they aren't any more or less dangerous than any other pet when it comes to hygiene.