question4 dr taylor


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~Hi Dr. TaylorI asked this questsion a few weeks back on the adult board but thought I'd ask you anyway because you're a doctor!My lung functions are 41% at very best. I was wondering, if I do lots of running and stuff will that make them go up? Thanks for reading this!, Shamrock (female, 17)


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Shamrock,I will be glad to answer your question when I'm finished with patient care for the day.Thanks for your posting.Dr. Lee


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Shamrock,Thanks for the post!Yes, consistent exercising should improve your lung function. As I have stated in some of the other replies, you don't want to cause an inflammatory response to occur due to over-exercising. Make sure you keep it regular, work at a comfortable intensity, and take a day off every few days. If you experience body pain or discomfort after exercise which lasts for more than a week, you may need to cut down. Your body may be trying to tell you that something is wrong. It is also as important to complement exercing with a nurtient-enriched diet and plenty of rest.Best,Dr. Lee


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Dr.Taylor, i have question for you, i don't know how to ask you properly question but hopeful you know what i am asking, i was told that for cf male, that sometimes it's hard cf male to form baby you no! is that true? like if i wanted to have family even thought i have cf, would that effect me? are we able to make babies? if you can reply to my mail, that would be grateful.


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Rebel, 99.5% of males with CF are infertile only because they lack a vas defrens, which is the tube that carries the sperm from the testicles to ejaculation. This is known as Congenital Bilateral Absense of the Vas Defrens, or CBAVD as it is commonly shortened and refered to. This does NOT mean that you can never have a baby, it just means that you probably won't be able to have one "naturally". The only true way to know is to have a semen analysis done by ejaculating into a cup and having it tested for the presence of semen, by a medical laboratory. There are some cases of CFers who are able to naturally have children, but it is very rare.The above being said, some young men hear that and figure they can have as much sex with as many women as they want because they can't get them pregnant. I hate to sound like I am preaching to you but thre is still the risk of all those STD's out there as well as AIDS/HIV so just be careful, even though pregnancy imight not be a risk for you.If you have had the semen analysis and it is negative for the presence of sperm, there are some options if and when you are ready to start a family. You can have a sperm aspiration by way of the MESA procedure (microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration) which is where they surgically extract the sperm from the epididymus. More often than not they choose the epididymus because it has the freshest and healthiest sperm, but some doctors will also take a sample of the tissue from inside the testicles to get extra sperm and just to have a sample from another site. This is usually an in office procedure that last 30-60 minutes where they numb the testicles and then extract. Then that sperm is used in an invetro procedure (most often invetro combined with ICSI-Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) to impregnate the woman. There are many CF men out there who are fathers-biologically.My husband and I are currently preparing to go through this procedure (although we keep setting it back because of my military obligations and we want to go to england next year and I don't want to go pregnant after spending $10k to have a baby and risk loosing it...) so if you have any more questions I would be happy to answer them.Julie-RN (wife to Mark, 24 W/CF)


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that is english so if you have specific questions about what I typed then please ask me-I would be happy to answer anything for you.Julie


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i know but erm.... jesus i needed dictoratary(whatever spell is) to figure the big fat word u were using it. all i want to know, can male able to make babies with woman? pls not same like old ones, they are suitable for doctor, i'm not doctor like! i'm only 18 and i am desperate to know can i be able to reponse to female! it's not that i wanted do now, just curious cos i couldn't ask my doctor. anyway thx for ur reply


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Rebel, In other words, probably not. Most cf males can't have babies. The only way to know for sure, though is to just get tested by a doctor... or to get someone pregnant =-) Jarod22 w/cf


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TO ALL: THIS POST GETS A BIG GRAPHIC IN RELATION TO MALE ANATOMY-IT IS NOT MEANING TO BE GROSS OF OFFENSIVE, ONLY EDUCATING TO THE PERSON THIS POST IS TO. REBEl, NO, a male with CF who has no Vas Defrens (99.5% of males with cf DO NOT have a VAS DEFRENS) will NEVER be able to get a woman pregnant just by having sex. It is going to cost you money and lots of procedures to do so, and even then it might not work. And honestly, you ought to pull out a dictionary and learn your own anatomy. In my post to you I defined what a vas defrens is, I defined what CBAVD is, if you don't know what semen is-you shouldn't even consider procreating (reproducing) before you learn it's meaning, the epididyus is where the freshest newest sperm is stored then it moves into the testicles (your balls-you know those things that hang down below your penis) and up through the vas defrens when you ejaculate. Ejaculate is when you are having sex, or being pleased by other means and you have a clear or whitish liquid come out of your penis-also known as cumming, this is the fluid that normally carries the semen and will get a woman pregnant. If you do want to have children biologically (meaning they are from your genes) you are going to have to have an invetro procedure. Invetro is where they use the eggs they have previously extracted from the woman, and fertilize them with your sperm that they got from your testicles. Then they put the fertilized eggs back inside the woman and pray it works. If you don't know the meaning of certain things, I certainly think this is the right site to come to with questions that you might not feel comfortable asking your doctor. But you need to not be so rude and at 18 years old you need to know tack as well. Otherwise you are going to find that you really offend people and people on this site aren't going to want to help you anymore. Julie-RN (NURSE) and wife to Mark 24 w/CF


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i>and why is that? affectin lung is enough so it has to effect male of gettin woman preg tut! god it's unfair.<hr></blockquote>You must be new to this disease.....


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mockingbird. actually this is from my experience. alot of people with cf dont even know what their disease does besides what it does specifically to them. i know i didnt know anything past the lung and digestive issues till i decided to look stuff up for myself. i wish doctors would help educate us with out us having to ask specifics (even though thats hard to do). anyway just wanted to add that. youprobably already knew that though.


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anonymous, I am glad that at least somebody appreciates my post, certainly not the rude person that asked the question though. PEOPLE:If you are going to ask a freaking question, be prepared for a freaking answer. If you don't understand the question, ask more questions but don't s**t on the person who bothers to take THEIR TIME to answer your question. Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)


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I liked your post Julie. I found it imfomative on many levels. Although I do have conflicting information. I have heard of CF males getting women pregnant naturally (sex)...some even thought they couldnt get women pregnant because they hear the stats or were told all men are sterile and here comes baby, surprise. I know a lady whose brother has 3 kids naturally, he was also just diagnosed with cf a year ago. I have been told that male cfers either have no vas deferans or they have it and its clogged with mucus, and some have perfectly fine working 'soldier tubes" (although a very very small percentage.Anyway not trying to correct you, its just what I have been told. Just wanted to put that out there so cf males dont think they cant have babies naturally (sex) at all because it is possible.


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Purplelungs, You are right, there are about .5% of males with CF out there who have perfectly in tack vas defrens and no mucous clogging it. And actually, by all studies that have been done, men don't have the same mucus problem that women have, it's either that they do, or don't have a vas defrens- but 99.5% of them don't. Supposedly the DeltaF508 has been the mutation where 100% of the males have NO vas defrens, (like in my husbands case with a double deltaF508). There are some other mutations where men do have a vas defrens and are able to have children naturally, but thusfar there hasn't been a pattern for which mutations don't effect the vas defrens-only that the DeltaF508 certainly does. Also, some men who are diagnosed late in life, have been diagnosed ONLY because they have no Vas defrens. Which alerted a doctor to test for CF. So, in some men, that lack of Vas Defrens is the one and only effect CF has on them (lucky people!!)Thanks for bringing that up, I meant to elaborate on it a little more but got caught up in-well, you can see above. But I appreciate you taking the time to read the post.Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)