Sickness prevention while living with someone in a small area?


For those of you who are married or living with someone else, what kinds of precautions do you guys take to avoid getting sick from someone else? I still live at home but this conversation came up with my BF who we think got me sick. While living at home I know how to keep things clean and am able to move away from my family in the house to avoid getting whatever they caught. But in a smaller area like an apartment I feel like might be more difficult for me to escape. I don't work but my BF does and his co-workers aren't the best at avoiding work while they are sick. So what do you guys do or have done to make this work?


Staff member
I think the biggy is frequent hand washing. Our son is the one wcf. Everyone in close contact with him have always gotten flu shots. Wash hands or use hand sanitizer when everyone gets home, when they get to the car from the store, before eating out.... When I get a cold, I use hand sanitizer every time I blow my nose. Wipe down surfaces with antibacterial wipes --- especially the bathroom counter where toothbrushes and cups are kept. Keep toothbrushes separate. I keep my toothbrush well away from everyone elses and toss it/get a new one when I'm feeling better. Last winter I got some sort of upper respiratory infection and I not only wore a mask at home, but I slept in the spare bedroom and tried to minimize contact with everyone else. I guess I'd wear a mask if you can't avoid them. I had a coworker who always showed up to work sick and cough everywhere --- I was forever spraying down my office with Lysol, wiping things down, using hand sanitizer and I avoided any food in the break room during cold and flu season.


Super Moderator
Sleep in separate rooms while he's sick, no kissing, or intimacy! We use Lysol wipes in bathroom, counters, doorknobs. If he actually gets the FLU, GET OUT! Stay with family or friends until he's well. It sucks not being able to take care of him, but you don't need to risk it. You can still call and text him.



New member

Sleep in separate rooms while he's sick, no kissing, or intimacy! We use Lysol wipes in bathroom, counters, doorknobs. If he actually gets the FLU, GET OUT! Stay with family or friends until he's well. It sucks not being able to take care of him, but you don't need to risk it. You can still call and text him.


very good post , thanks a lot for this .


Staff member
Excellent point about getting out if someone has the flu. A few years ago DH called me from the airport during a business trip indicating one of his coworkers was sick and that he wasn't feeling well and was going to have someone take him either to the hospital or to his parent's house. DS' doctor prescribed Tamiflu for our entire family "just in case" so I had some dropped off at his parent's house where he stayed for several days. If any of us were exposed to the flu, we were told to take tamilflu as a precaution.