Signs of decline?


New member
What signs do you all see as declines in your childs health to know if its just a normal bug or virus to know if its the start of permanent damage or decline? This year has been so rough on her, she is 10 and had been doing really good for so long and last year she started to get on antibiotics every few months and this year in the hospital every few months. She gets off antibiotics and within a week she is gets sick again...we are doing 4 treatments a day with Albuterol, on/off Tobi & Cayston, her shaking 3 times a day along with her Acapella plus at school she does the PeP and acapella total of 4 times a day and all her other meds...whats next? What do they usually do next? She is exhausted and her functions keep dropping 30 or more points during this time and she stays out of breath but her oxygen levels are good so far.....what has your docs done nextin this case?