Ultresa enzymes


New member
Hi everyone,

Anyone on the new Ultresa enzymes?

Ever since Ultrase went off the market a couple years ago, my stomach hasn't been the same on Creon. I have had a couple severe bouts of distal intestinal obstruction syndrome (DIOS) and I just felt like the enzyme dose was never quite right.

So I just found online this past week that there's Ultresa enzymes. Someone mentioned that it may be the old Ultrase's re-packaged. However, looking at the enzyme amounts, it appears to be slightly different. But nonetheless, I have started on those enzymes now and I can already tell a difference! I am hoping my DIOS improves (or goes away) with these enzymes and I can get rid of the stomach pains.

Just wondering if anyone has switched to them.



Super Moderator
We tried going back with ds and they didn't improve stuff. He had started on them and has tried all kinds...he's on zen pep now....we decided to stay with Enpep after ultresa didn't change noticeably and looking at break down since zen pep had more units that went toward fat within maximum dosing and he has very high fat intake. Glad that has been helping...also we've had much improvement after quadrupling his culterelle dosing. He has very I liar issues to you...maybe another thing to try...


My grandson has switched from creon to ultresa and they seem to be so much better, not as many tummy aches.


I just got out of hosp yest after 9 days of stomach pain bad acid reflux, but this pain was in the stomach diagnosed with severe pancreatitis... so upset as always have been PS and I am 59 so got creon taking 2 before each meal but still getting the pain now it's only been 2 days but does this take time to kick in and the whole changing of the diet thing, I always ate whatever I wanted. I am so upset. Will this disease ever quit and not add another issue??? Anyone with info pls write me Pat-Cf/59