Vest Question



Hi all<br />
İ have a daughter aged 3,5 years and wonder about the frequency and impact value of vest system...can anyone help me please


Super Moderator
Our 4 year old has done the vest for the last two years at 12, 13, 14, at 40. They said best to alternate so I usually build it up from 12 to 14. DH does 14 first and then 12 and then 14 I think.


My vest is model 104 and has a frequency range of 0-20 and pressure lets say impact 0-10
Thank you for reply but do you know or anyone knows the values at these range?


Staff member
We do 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 --- 5 minutes each at 10 pressure (impact); however, when he was younger, he didn't tolerate the 18-20 on that high of a pressure setting, so we lowered the pressure on those settings to make it more tolerable.


New member
The idea is to try and go as high as your daughter can go with frequency. To figure that out, put the pressure down to 4 or 5 and then see how high a frequency she can handle. Once you figure that out, you can set up the vest with alternations. This is what my 6 year old does.... 18hz/8 pressure (5 minutes) - 8hz/10 pressure (5 minutes) - 19hz/7 pressure (5 minutes) - 9hz/10 pressure (5 minutes) - 20hz/6 pressure (5 minutes) - 10hz/10 pressure (5 minutes).
I have heard suggestions of varying high and low frequency throughout the vest time. We add in a 30 second pause every 5 minutes for coughing.


When I first started using the Vest (about 12 years ago), my CF center did tests to find out what specific frequencies were the best for me. Now, however, I think they recommend the same for all patients using Hill-Rom: Frequencies 8, 9, 10 at full pressure (level 10), then frequencies 18, 19, 20 at pressure level 6.


For my CF kids, I've looked at this question closely...

I have two children that have used both the Hillrom Vest and the Respirtech inCourage. I have explored the frequency requirement in depth. I'm an engineer, and enjoy evaluating the performance and efficacy of therapies. Before I explain my preference, I will say that any airway clearance therapy far exceeds no therapy. My strong preference for airway physiotherapy is exercise and the Respirtech inCourage.

There is significant difference in the technology between the Hillrom Vest and Respirtech inCourage. The Vest oscillates the chest with a sine wave, while stepping the single frequency sine wave between a handful of individual frequencies on a given time interval. The inCourage oscillates the chest with swept triangle wave, sweeping the triangle waveform up and down in frequencies ranging from 6Hz to 15Hz. The sweep is incremented on 0.1Hz. The inCourage high resolution frequency sweep will allow any patient's resonance frequency to be targeted over and over again.

Another benefit of the triangle wave is the waveform edge is sharper, allowing better mucus sheering with the same comfort. To form a triangle wave, a famous scientist by the name Fourier (1768-1830) mathematically described the makeup of a triangle wave as a combination of a large series of frequencies from high to low frequency. With the inCourage system, the Fourier series of frequencies making up a single triangle wave benefits the patient by oscillating the chest wall at many frequencies simultaneously.

The Vest uses a closed pressure system, causing continuous constriction on the patient. The inCourage generates its waveform using an open system. The open system does not constrict the patient, but more importantly allows the patient to breathe normally. When the patient takes normal breaths, the air optimally fills the airways. The air moves in behind the mucus, oscillates out with the triangle wave, sheers the mucus, and transports the mucus out. With the closed, restricting system (the Vest), it is VERY difficult to breath normally, limiting the mucus clearance.

So what does this all mean? The best benefit is my kids prefer the Respirtech because it doesn't "squeeze" their chests. Clinically the Respirtech inCourage system has been proven to sheer and transport mucus by 11% better over any sine wave system. Aside from all of the technology benefits, the construction on the Respirtech inCourage is much better than the Vest. The Respirtech support line is also very good. One last thing, the amplitude for the systems should be set to the maximum tolerated. We started our kids at 70% and worked up to 100%.