What Do You Do When You Forget Enzymes?


New member
Apologies if something similar already exists, I searched but couldn't find anything.

So I have CF and pancreatic insufficiency. Normally, I'm great about taking my enzymes (zenpep), but if I run out or forget - I'll pay for it later.

My question is, has anyone found something that helps with the cramping and pain? Like, if I'm at school or work, I can't hide in the bathroom forever. Besides remembering my pills, is there anything I can do to stop or lessen the pain after the fact?

Thanks! :)


New member
Man, I'd love to know about this too. I have wondered if there's anything that can be done to help during those times of absolute misery.

A couple of times where I forgot has taught me to remember. Pack ur pills inside ur lunch or keep them in your pocket. By a smAll container to keep them in. Use tums or alkaselzer to help. If ur home hot baths seem to help relax the cramps and aches after tough bathroom breaks


New member
A good magazine, a portable computergame and/or the right mindset because you WILL pay for it. *
Exercise speeds the process of cramps and passing it for me so that helps. And stress makes the process much much worse.
But having those crappy days often enough when they are your own fault and eventually you'll develop an enzymeobsession severe enough to stop forgetting. Ie. Find back Creon (that I use) in all types of pockets of all sorts of clothes before washing. But it's happened often that I panic thinking I forgot my Creon but then in another pocket there were still some! Sure sometimes often sat on and still of previous brand but that just helps with absorption surely.

*) I like to imagine I'm Thor having to punish tiny bathroom people that live beneath because oh how they deserve it! This makes me focussed and determined.


Active member
I take them later anyway to salvage whatever I can. For the pain, there is nothing that works to stop it. Just waiting another day till its over. For the most part, I never ever forget to take them. Once in a blue moon I forget them if I'm eating out or something but thats it. Learned when I was younger, it is not worth it. I trained myself years ago to always say in my head before putting any food in my mouth-"you can't eat!" And that helped me to remember my enzymes first.


Super Moderator
Keep a spare bottle in all cars, all offices or other workplaces, relatives' homes and friends houses. In all school locations if possible too. Put one in your gym bag, in all your purses, backpacks, and suitcases. If you walk or bike places, put some in a small bag attached to your bike, and in your coats. Yes, we really do that. It has saved pain on more than one occasion. Just remember to try to keep them away from sustained heat, and to change them out about once a year if you haven't used them.


New member
If we forget Abby's enzymes we feed her things that we call "free food", like fruit, and salads until we can get home to her enzymes.


Super Moderator
Yes Jenny, that's what we do too! Stick to fruits, suck on hard candy, stay away from fats, eat salads with vinaigrette, no oil in dressing. If you have to eat something more solid, keep it high sugar and no fat. A little rice, a little cereal, no milk, a little pasta if need be. At all costs stay away from fats. . . They will HURT! And take your enzymes after you eat if you have to.


New member
If I have ever forgot- * if * or what I more likly do is I didn't time them correctly or ate too much fat in meal- the pain is really terrible, you have to just wait until it goes away, I find laying down can make it feel 'better', rubbing/ messaging your tummy helps alot to, -Also, drinking small amounts of gatorade, and once feeling better, to get my digestive back into gear, eat something very lite,- no fat, and take an ADEK's. If your in school that happens, I would just go ahead and take sick and go home, or at work, try and leave early 'sick' .


New member
Tums, Tums, Tums, and oh yeah, more Tums.

When I was like 8 I ate a TON of almonds with no enzyme and was hurting so bad that evening my dad almost took me to the ER. We had a bottle of Gaviscon (an antacid) and drinking that did the trick, but it tastes awful. From then on I figured out that Tums will do the trick in about 10 minutes without fail.