What's your experience with Cayston?


New member
Hi all,

I will start using Cayston in a couple of weeks, 3x a day. I have used both Tobi and Colistin, but never Cayston. My FEV1 has been in the 30s for a long time.

Any impressions you'd like to share about this medicine?

Vera, 29



I love Cayston when I am on Cayston I am never sick but when I go off I get so sick I usually end up on IV My problem is I have had allergy to Tobi and two other inhaled meds which is the reason I cannot stay on Cayson every month.


New member
Allergic to Tobi as well. started Cayston two months ago and my fev1 has gone up 7% while my cough disappears when im on it!


New member
Wow that is great to read. To think of a 7% increase in FEV1 is just crazy to me. Let's hope for the best. Thanks for your input.


Super Moderator
Hi Vera,

You can add me to list of Cayston lovers! :)

I can't tolerate Tobi, and am allergic to Colistin, so Cayston has been a God send for me.

Good luck to you, I hope it does the trick!

Autumn 32 w/CF


New member
I absolutely love cayston. I can't take Tobi ,colistin or pulmozyme. I haven't been in the hospital for two years and the only thing I have done different is starting cayston around that time. Before cayston it was one to times yearly. Now I have had to be on oral antibiotics some but not iv. I am thrilled with the results. Good luck to you.


New member
I do fine on Cayston. It's a pain doing 3 treatments a day, mainly because I forget. It's great because they only last 2-3 minutes.


New member
I love it. I've been on for about 2 years I think, and when I first started it consistently brought my FEV1 back up 10% or so. I think I was inthe low 80s, dipping into high 70s when I first got on, numbers would fluctuate, and now I'm hanging out in the high 80s low 90s. My "on" months feel much more productive and generally better.

Yeah, it's 3x a day, but it literally takes 3 minutes tops and the compressor is SUPER portable.


New member
It's difficult not to have high expectations when I read your answers, hope it will work for me too!


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If you don't mind, may I ask you a question? Are you starting Cayston to improve your FEV1 or because of infections/cultures? The reason I wonder is my sons FEV1's have been dropping over the last year. We do treatments faithfully and exercise daily but they continue to drop. He is not culturing anything that would require treatment and luckily hasn't had a lot of issues this past year, just the drop in numbers. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you


New member
Hi jshet, no problem at all! I am starting Cayston in an effort to improve FEV1. I rarely have to be admitted to hospital due to new infections (2x in 29 years), but I'm at 31% FEV1, so my doctor is doing all he can to keep me away from a transplant for as long as possible. I was admitted last year (that was one of the 2x I've been admitted) for an aggressive IV antibiotic treatment, but my FEV1 did not improve. Now we're trying this.

As a side note, I was diagnosed at 15 and am now 29. FEV1 has ALWAYS been between 40% and 30%. But the last few years it's been 35%, 34%, 33%, 32% and the last one 31%. The decline is very slow but gradual.

Good luck to you and your son. I can update this post with my progress after I've been on Cayston for 6 weeks. (I will go in for a lung function test 6 weeks in to see how it's going)


The only thing with cayston my fiance has noticed is it really hits you hard at first and makes you cough while trying to inhale it....Just keep trying though as the coughing gets better. It is 3 times a day but is so much more convenient than doing Tobi treatments! He has only been on it for two months so far...and had a bit of a flare up going on during his clinic appointment before starting it so I can't really say if it helped increase his PFT's or not...But I guess we will see more in the long run.


New member
I am going in for a lung function test 6 weeks after I start Cayston so that they can see if there is an improvement in FEV1. Do you guys think this is realistic?


New member
If you don't see an improvement in 6 weeks I would not give up up on cayston yet. In a 6 week time period you would only have had one treatment if you're alternating 28 days on/off. So it could take longer but I can't really remember. I know how frustrating it can be trying a new treatment and just waiting to see if it helps. I hope this helps you!!!


New member
Does cayston work on cepacia or mrsa. I could use some help. I am on rifampin ,cipro, doxycycline right now . Only 3 more days of hell on my stomach and Ill be off of them. The drs think the mrsa is whats giving me problems.


New member
I think it was designed for pseudomonas . I have pseudo and mrsa and it helps me. Maybe someone else will give their input. Anything is worth a try if it could help. Have you talk to your doctor about cayston?


New member
I only culture Pseudomonas and my doctor told me that Cayston is for Pseudomonas... Maybe if you also have that it could be helpful.