yoga breathing


New member
a little while back someone told me something about some type of breathing, I think associated with a certain yoga style, through which some guy has increased his lung capacity to three times what is average. For some reason I wasn't paying much attention at the time.I know capacity isn't really a problem with cf, but I also think it may help in some ways. I was wondering if anyone else knows anything about this; what style of yoga it is associated with, or if it's something completely different, and anything at all about it together with cf.


New member
The closest thing I can think of is autogenic drainage. It's a system of breathing techniques used to clear mucus.


When I did yoga regularly, I increased my small airway past 100 percent. Maybe it's pranayama breathing?


New member
Yes, I think it is most likely to be Pranayama breathing. I have been practising different types of yoga for a long time, but only just recently was introduced to prana breathing. I was quite blown away by the power of it and think that it would definitely be beneficial for PWCF. I don't have CF, but my daughter does, and I will definitely be introducing her to yoga and prana breathing when she's a little older. Good luck!


New member
Actually, turns out I can't find the type of breathing we've done in class, which involves 'vacuum-sealing' the abdomen for an extended length of time before doing a full expanded inhalation. It massages the body organs, including the lungs, and re-oxygenates the lungs to capacity (as a basic explanation). Preceding this we do some of the rhythmic breathing using the base abdominal muscles which seems more consistent with some of the Prana breathing I can find. I will have to ask my teacher more about the other stuff we can do so I can send you more info. In the meantime, I found a link which shows a range of types and exercises that might help get you started: