Recent content by charlielima

  1. C

    tattoo gallery :)

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">My tattoo done on 10/7/06</a> This is my tattoo that I got done one year and one day after my sister Jennie died. The eagle is part of the verse underneath it. The verse was...
  2. C

    tattoo gallery :)

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">My tattoo done on 10/7/06</a> This is my tattoo that I got done one year and one day after my sister Jennie died. The eagle is part of the verse underneath it. The verse was...
  3. C

    tattoo gallery :)

    <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">My tattoo done on 10/7/06</a> This is my tattoo that I got done one year and one day after my sister Jennie died. The eagle is part of the verse underneath it. The verse was...
  4. C

    CF related arthritis

    My sister has CF related arthritis in both of her hips. She is taking Celebrex and it seems to help her most of the time. It might be something to ask your doctor about. I don't have CF but I do have rheumatoid arthritis so I know how painful it can be. Aleve seems to work well for me most days...
  5. C

    CF related arthritis

    My sister has CF related arthritis in both of her hips. She is taking Celebrex and it seems to help her most of the time. It might be something to ask your doctor about. I don't have CF but I do have rheumatoid arthritis so I know how painful it can be. Aleve seems to work well for me most days...
  6. C

    CF related arthritis

    My sister has CF related arthritis in both of her hips. She is taking Celebrex and it seems to help her most of the time. It might be something to ask your doctor about. I don't have CF but I do have rheumatoid arthritis so I know how painful it can be. Aleve seems to work well for me most days...
  7. C


    charlielima = christi 24 no cf, but two sisters w/cf Appleton, Wisconsin rheumatoid arthritis and I don't know if I am a carrier for cf.
  8. C


    charlielima = christi 24 no cf, but two sisters w/cf Appleton, Wisconsin rheumatoid arthritis and I don't know if I am a carrier for cf.
  9. C


    charlielima = christi 24 no cf, but two sisters w/cf Appleton, Wisconsin rheumatoid arthritis and I don't know if I am a carrier for cf.
  10. C

    No sooner do I post an update..

    Yay! I am so glad that you found your necklace with the ring still on it. I know I would be crushed if I lost my necklace with my sister's ring on it.
  11. C

    My Little Bro

    I am sorry to hear about your brother. It is hard to lose your sibling. You and your family will be in my prayers.
  12. C


    Congratulations Mark and Julie! I am glad to hear that everything went well. Enjoy your time with your three bundles of joy!
  13. C

    any one u know die of cf

    My sister Jennie died October 6,2005 at the age of 25 from CF.
  14. C


    When my sister died last October my parents, my younger sister and I all wore the blue bracelets. I am the only one who still wears mine everyday. I love that there are so many different choices to help raise awareness.
  15. C

    RIP Cathy Martinet

    Amy, I am sorry for your loss. It is hard losing someone you love. You and Cathy's family will be in my prayers.