Recent content by GlennMarsh

  1. G

    Do I have to take enzymes for creatine?

    I thinks if you use creatine with milk then it gives you more power and and also build your muscles size and cuts,. i also have the experience of creatine its great and give good result in few months,,.
  2. G

    Would this be a good weight gainer?

    According to me the best weight gainer is whey protein,. And natural diet like banana shake and beef is also very helpful to gain size of the muscles,.
  3. G

    What is a good yoga workout?

    I thinks yoga is best exercise to control weight and it stretches your muscles to make you more flexible.There are different schools of yoga, based on different methods,.,.
  4. G

    Favorite Workout DVD

    I am watching many workout videos and get ideas and tips from them,. But i love Arnold workout videos and he is the motivation from me to build my body,.
  5. G

    MUST exercise and need encouragement!

    I thinks motivation much necessary in the exercise field,. A strong motivation leads you a perfect bodybuilder,.and exercise is then play a vital role to build your body and health,.