
Ello! My Name is Samantha. My nickname for years has been Smurf. I love the color blue, (blue hair, shoes, car, blue contacts, and a tattoo that officially branded me :} )
I was diagnosed at 3 months old and as a child had a mild case. During my younger teen years I had a bit of a rebellious stage, though I do NOT regret it. You gotta learn some life lessons the hard way-on your own.
Anyway- the past year my health has declined a lot. I wear Oxygen 24/7 now and thought about getting a double lung transplant. I probably wont, so I'm just going to enjoy everyday possible ^^

I'd love to have new CF friends and to hear from others so add me or message me if you wish- I love to talk (most days) lol

Cooking, Eating, Reading, Learning, Listening to music, Driving




