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    The iPad is very " Kool " I am finding a few Apps that my Niece can use and I no longer take a News Paper..No more of that annoying refolding .. I know there are many more apps and uses. for now I am just playing with it..I also watch NetFlix on it. great sound .. I was surprised.
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    Nebs in the car

    I have been DWN ing for 15 years or more... Driving while nebbing. All you need is a Power Inverter. You can get then at most Auto Parts Stores and even Wal Mart has them
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    Nebs in the car

    I have been DWN ing for 15 years or more... Driving while nebbing. All you need is a Power Inverter. You can get then at most Auto Parts Stores and even Wal Mart has them
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    Nebs in the car

    I have been DWN ing for 15 years or more... Driving while nebbing. <br /> <br /> All you need is a Power Inverter. You can get then at most Auto Parts Stores <br /> and even Wal Mart has them
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    Nebulizer compressors

    I use Pari LC Plus for all my Nebs. But went through 2 ProNebs in about 4 months. So I am back to using Pulmo-Aide 5650D , I have 2, both are over 15 yrs old and still working great. I hope the Vios is made better than the proneb.
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    Nebulizer compressors

    I use Pari LC Plus for all my Nebs. But went through 2 ProNebs in about 4 months. So I am back to using Pulmo-Aide 5650D , I have 2, both are over 15 yrs old and still working great. I hope the Vios is made better than the proneb.
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    Nebulizer compressors

    <br /> I use Pari LC Plus for all my Nebs. <br /> But went through 2 ProNebs in about 4 months. <br /> So I am back to using Pulmo-Aide 5650D , I have 2, both are over 15 yrs old <br /> and still working great. I hope the Vios is made better than the proneb.
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    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    I am on low dose o Pred all the time . I drink 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, This can flush out potassium and electrolytes from the system. I add 10 oz of G2 twice a day and also eat 1 or 2 bananas a day. This helps with the cramps and weakness. I can tell when my level starts...
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    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    I am on low dose o Pred all the time . I drink 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, This can flush out potassium and electrolytes from the system. I add 10 oz of G2 twice a day and also eat 1 or 2 bananas a day. This helps with the cramps and weakness. I can tell when my level starts...
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    Any Cf'ers had low potassium levels?

    I am on low dose o Pred all the time . <br /> I drink 6 to 8 full glasses of water a day, This can flush out potassium <br /> and electrolytes from the system. <br /> I add 10 oz of G2 twice a day and also eat 1 or 2 bananas a day. <br /> This helps with the cramps and weakness. I can tell...
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    everyone in my family smokes

    Cf or No Cf Smokers Should NOT Smoke around People who don't smoke. When I was younger and doing well I could not stand to be around people smoking.I would not date a smoker. Now the smell takes my breath away.. The odor is awful. I had 2 people living in my basement who smoked. They had...
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    everyone in my family smokes

    Cf or No Cf Smokers Should NOT Smoke around People who don't smoke. When I was younger and doing well I could not stand to be around people smoking.I would not date a smoker. Now the smell takes my breath away.. The odor is awful. I had 2 people living in my basement who smoked. They had...
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    everyone in my family smokes

    Cf or No Cf Smokers Should NOT Smoke around People who don't smoke. <br /> <br /> When I was younger and doing well I could not stand to be around <br /> people smoking.I would not date a smoker. Now the smell takes my breath <br /> away.. The odor is awful. <br /> <br /> I had 2 people living...
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    Happy Thanksgiving !

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to ALL !! Have a nice day and try not to eat too much !! I try every year, But every year I fail and get stuffed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Gobble gobble <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">
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    Happy Thanksgiving !

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to ALL !! Have a nice day and try not to eat too much !! I try every year, But every year I fail and get stuffed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Gobble gobble <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">
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    Happy Thanksgiving !

    <br /> HAPPY THANKSGIVING to ALL !! <br /> <br /> Have a nice day and try not to eat too much !! <br /> <br /> I try every year, But every year I fail and <br /> get stuffed <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> <br /> <br /> Gobble gobble <img...
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    Just got SSI... questions

    Julie I have been reading through the Head Ache that is SSA's site. Ugg.. IT looks like to me that if I work and earn 720. in a month on SSDI for 7 months over a 5 year period I would loose benefits. Is there a Number ( amount ) that would not count towards that Rolling 7...
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    Just got SSI... questions

    Julie I have been reading through the Head Ache that is SSA's site. Ugg.. IT looks like to me that if I work and earn 720. in a month on SSDI for 7 months over a 5 year period I would loose benefits. Is there a Number ( amount ) that would not count towards that Rolling 7...
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    Just got SSI... questions

    Julie <br /> <br /> I have been reading through the Head Ache that is SSA's site. Ugg.. <br /> <br /> IT looks like to me that if I work and earn 720. in a month on SSDI for 7 months <br /> over a 5 year period I would loose benefits. <br /> <br /> Is there a Number ( amount ) that...
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    Just got SSI... questions

    The Medical Coverage that You get when you get SSI ( Medcaid ) is much better than the Medicare that I and many others get when we retire on Social Security Disability.To get SSD, you must retire. Plus Retirement on SSD means you can not work at all,not even a few hours a week. This is...