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  1. D

    Zantac & spitting up

    Tia, at6months they had taken my son off of zantac and put him on prevacid. He seemed to do alot better with the prevacid. He came off of prevacid all together just before he turned 1. See if your doctor would chng to prevacid. Also we were told to mix some rice cereal in with his formula...
  2. D

    Zantac & spitting up

    Tia, at6months they had taken my son off of zantac and put him on prevacid. He seemed to do alot better with the prevacid. He came off of prevacid all together just before he turned 1. See if your doctor would chng to prevacid. Also we were told to mix some rice cereal in with his formula...
  3. D

    Zantac & spitting up

    Tia, at6months they had taken my son off of zantac and put him on prevacid. He seemed to do alot better with the prevacid. He came off of prevacid all together just before he turned 1. See if your doctor would chng to prevacid. Also we were told to mix some rice cereal in with his formula...
  4. D

    Zantac & spitting up

    Tia, at6months they had taken my son off of zantac and put him on prevacid. He seemed to do alot better with the prevacid. He came off of prevacid all together just before he turned 1. See if your doctor would chng to prevacid. Also we were told to mix some rice cereal in with his formula...
  5. D

    Zantac & spitting up

    Tia, at6months they had taken my son off of zantac and put him on prevacid. He seemed to do alot better with the prevacid. He came off of prevacid all together just before he turned 1. See if your doctor would chng to prevacid. Also we were told to mix some rice cereal in with his formula...