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  1. L

    cf treatment

    Thanks everyone for all the great replies. 10 grand is a lot of money for a vest and I can't see the national health service stumping up that kind of cash! I only thought it might be useful as my son doesn't do any physio at all, but then again if it itches he will use that as an excuse not to...
  2. L

    Question about Diagnosis

    My son was also diagnosed as asthmatic, despite the fact I kept telling doctors he was not wheezing but coughing all the time. It was only when he was 16 that we saw a specialist who agreed that the wet cough was not really an indication of asthma. We had already seen the same specialist when my...
  3. L

    cf treatment

    I'm from England and have a son with CF who's 18 and only diagnosed at 16. In some ways this is good, because he is pancreatic sufficient and so a big strapping lad who doesn't look ill and probably better able to stave off infections. The down side is that he spent 16 years being treated...
  4. L

    Emotional problem/depression

    Dear anonymous of 7th january it really made me feel better reading your mail and the other responses. I have an 18 year old son with CF who has just been hospitalized for the first time for IVs to combat a persistent staph aureus infection. It was really traumatic for all the family, and now...
  5. L

    Emotional problem/depression

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