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  1. M

    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    I know you must be worried and frustrated. Terri, I can't stress enough that you should push your doctors hard for answers. It sounds like your pediatrician is doing the best he can. Everything seemed to move pretty quickly for us once we started to see a specialist. Luckily, the pediatric...
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    Problems with Diagnosis -- In Progress

    Edna, I understand your frustration . To make a long story short, I asked Grayson's pediatrician about CF when Grayson was 5 months old. He blew me off. Unfortunately, he wasn't diagnosed with CF until he was 7 years old thanks to a different pediatrician who admitted that he just didn't know...
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    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    Terri, is your daughter currently taking pancreatic enzymes? If not, do you think your doctor would prescribe them? If she is pancreatic insufficient, the enzymes should improve her bowel movements, and her energy level should improve because her body will be better able to absorb nurtients...
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    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    Terri, Grayson's symptoms were similar to what Jena describes, but he never had a rectal prolapse. He would be hungry every hour and could eat more than his 200 pound father. Most kids will eat one bowl of cereal or two pancakes for breakfast; Grayson would eat four bowls of cereal or six...
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    Any kids without weight gain problems?

    Edna, I echo your comments. My son, Grayson, wasn't diagnosed until he was 7 (he is 9 now) because "he doesn't present the classic symptoms" (quoting one of his doctors). Grayson has had no respiratory problems and didn't fail to thrive as an infant. He has been and continues to be slim, but...
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    Weight Gain On Non-Milk Diet

    My son, Grayson, is nine years old. He was diagnosed with CF a couple of months before he turned 7 years old. Fortunately, all of his problems have been strictly GI; unfortunately, after complaining for months with stomach pain, he was diagnosed with Eosinophilic Esophagitis. His GI doctor...
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    Reality Check

    I am glad that your 4 year old daughter is doing well. I completely understand your feelings. My son turns 8 in two weeks, and he was just diagnosed last year. He takes enzymes and had nasal polyps removed this summer; however, his lung function is perfect, and he has never had any type of...
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    Doea any of this sound familiar?

    Hi Debbie...what's the ibuprophen study?
  9. M

    Doea any of this sound familiar?

    Yes, Amber...all of those GI symptoms sound very familiar. Before the enzymes, Grayson would use the bathroom several times per day, and his stools were NEVER solid. His diarrhea was never so severe that he became dehydrated, but his stomach was continually bloated, and he constantly had gas...
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    Doea any of this sound familiar?

    Hi Amber,is your son having any GI problems? Grayson's problems are all GI, and his doctor started him on enzymes before we received the DNA results. We live in Gulfport, MS and he sees doctors at a CF clinic in Mobile, AL. His blood samples were sent to a lab in Massachusetts. I am so sorry...
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    Doea any of this sound familiar?

    Thanks for the great information. By the way, Grayson is seven and was just diagnosed last June. Our ENT tells us that Grayson has one of the most severe cases of polyps he has seen, so we are anxious. Grayson has had a couple of other outpatient surgeries, and he did not come out of the...