Search results

  1. S

    Support Group

    thanks for your help everyone. it's unfortunate that this is the case, but inevitable nonetheless, and something we all have to come to accept i suppose. this community, however, is a great source of networking with other CFers, and i'm glad to have come upon it. i can tell that i'll be a...
  2. S

    Support Group

    thanks a lot emily. you mentioned "the community on LJ" - i'm curious to know about that. if you can give me a little info about that, that would be great. i'd like to meet more people with CF as well, whether live or through forums or AIM, so i'm doing what i can to reach out to internet...
  3. S

    Support Group

    Hello everyone. My name's Shane, I'm a 19 year old male living with CF in New York. I was wondering if any of you or members of your family are involved in a CF support group in your town? I would like to start one up in my region, and I just want to get some insight on what some of you and/or...
  4. S

    Support Group

    hey guys. my name's shane, i'm a 19 year old male living with CF in new york. i was wodnering if any of you are involved in a CF support group in your town? i would like to start one up in my region, and I just want to get some insight on what some of you, if any of you, do in your support group...