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  1. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    We have had the sweat test done today. Glad they were able to collect enough sweat they said they needed 75ml (think that is right) and callum produced 349ml so they said there would be plenty to test. Will know the result by friday pm, so fingers crossed it's a negative.
  2. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    We have had the sweat test done today. Glad they were able to collect enough sweat they said they needed 75ml (think that is right) and callum produced 349ml so they said there would be plenty to test. Will know the result by friday pm, so fingers crossed it's a negative.
  3. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    We have had the sweat test done today. Glad they were able to collect enough sweat they said they needed 75ml (think that is right) and callum produced 349ml so they said there would be plenty to test. Will know the result by friday pm, so fingers crossed it's a negative.
  4. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    Have finally got the appointment for Callum's sweat test. Have got to go to the hospital tomorrow (17th) for his sweat test. In the last 2 weeks his poops have become incredibly smelly. I have tried the floating test but they all sink. The last few days they have become much looser and much...
  5. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    Have finally got the appointment for Callum's sweat test. Have got to go to the hospital tomorrow (17th) for his sweat test. In the last 2 weeks his poops have become incredibly smelly. I have tried the floating test but they all sink. The last few days they have become much looser and much...
  6. J

    Sweat Test Tomorrow

    Have finally got the appointment for Callum's sweat test. Have got to go to the hospital tomorrow (17th) for his sweat test. In the last 2 weeks his poops have become incredibly smelly. I have tried the floating test but they all sink. The last few days they have become much looser and much...
  7. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Just to keep you all informed, we are still waiting for the appointment for the sweat tests. Callum has actually put some weight on which we are really pleased with. Have done the test with his poops in the toilet and so far they have not floated but in the last week have got far smellier and...
  8. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Just to keep you all informed, we are still waiting for the appointment for the sweat tests. Callum has actually put some weight on which we are really pleased with. Have done the test with his poops in the toilet and so far they have not floated but in the last week have got far smellier and...
  9. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Just to keep you all informed, we are still waiting for the appointment for the sweat tests. Callum has actually put some weight on which we are really pleased with. Have done the test with his poops in the toilet and so far they have not floated but in the last week have got far smellier and...
  10. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Have just joined this forum, i have an 8.5 month old son (my 3rd child) who has had problems since birth. Started off with him not taking a bottle, would scream and prefer to sleep than feed. This was combined with foul smelling diorhhoea (sorry about spelling) they put this down to lactose...
  11. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Have just joined this forum, i have an 8.5 month old son (my 3rd child) who has had problems since birth. Started off with him not taking a bottle, would scream and prefer to sleep than feed. This was combined with foul smelling diorhhoea (sorry about spelling) they put this down to lactose...
  12. J

    Waiting for Tests

    Have just joined this forum, i have an 8.5 month old son (my 3rd child) who has had problems since birth. Started off with him not taking a bottle, would scream and prefer to sleep than feed. This was combined with foul smelling diorhhoea (sorry about spelling) they put this down to lactose...