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  1. S

    Anyone here have hypoglycemia?

    Hypoglycemia is almost the exact opposite of Diabetes. It is when you have trouble with your blood sugars getting to low. I actually have reactive hypoglycemia. That is when your body overreacts to sugar. I don't have a whole lot of problems if I go without eating like most people with...
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    Hospital Stories/Rude People Stories

    Several people here have posted about their problems with picc lines and having to have them done in radiology. I would just like to say, you still need to be careful even if radiology is the ones putting in your line. My problem wasn't that my veins would roll but that I was allergic to the...
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    Rick, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I greatly feel for you. Although, I have not lost a child, I have lost two siblings to CF. My eldest brother died six years ago the 29th of January. My sister will be gone three years in June. I wish I could say that you eventually forget and it...
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    Is this odd?

    We do have Creon in the U.S. Although I don't hear of very many people using it anymore. They have several different levels. When I was a teenager I took the Creon 25 and it made it so I only had to take 2 pills, they have since discontinued that level. I have tried many different brands...
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    I am the youngest of six children, four of which have CF. It was really hard growing up, especially on my parents. Not a day went by that they didn't worry. But I don't know what I would have done without my siblings. Especially without those that have CF also. It was so good to have...
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    CF Camp

    Has anyone here ever gone to CF Camp/Camp wood in Utah? Since they stopped having camp I kind of lost track of everyone. I'm just trying to find out how people are doing. --Ann 25 w/cf
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    IV Antibiotics

    Maria, I don't know a whole lot about the subject since all hospitals/clinics do things differently. I do know that the hospital I go to always looks at our past cultures when deciding what to put us on. Once they get the results of our new cultures they will sometimes make adjustments or...