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    Yes,I know it will help in the future,but I feel like a cow I try not to look in the mirrors and even don't take photos(thing I loved to do).I don't take any special medication (creon,omeprazole,pulmozyme and all the bla bla bla <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> if...
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    HELLO, I am 21year old girl with cf(as all of you).I keep on searching for answear and can't find it.In the past year I gained 15-18kg.I am desperate to lose weight and how can it be with cf.I always was thin 56kg-172(not so thin,but)doctors say it happens.May it be because I came to live in...
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    My Dad!

    I wish were would be more dads like Matt's it's such a nice thing to hear about CF'er I have CF too and hope to live long as well. I wish it to everyone of you my Friends.Just believe
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    Is it possible to gain weight having CF?

    Hello everybody I'm very considered about my weight because it keeps growthing almost everyday what is not usual for me and for all having CF.till the time I lived in my country everything was ok.I was thin and haven't problems about my weight.When I moved to London few months was ok, but last...
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    A Milestone...

    Hello, Biggest cangratuliations to you even I don't know you.Keep on fighting as we all do, and don't give.When I read that you had lung transplantantion I thought thank God I am better with my CF.But still you never know.Have a good day.
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    Can somebody help me

    Hello, Thank you all for the information. But really I think miracle happened someone prayed for me(including my mom), this morning I felt much better, don't know why but I am so happy, I have more energy. I am so thankful really thank you!!!!Because I think everyone who has CF is so tired and...
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    Can somebody help me

    Hello, I am 20years old girl from Lithuania, at the moment living in the UK. I have CF.At the moment my condition went so bad, I can't stand. Maybe someone who lives in the London, knows where could I go to get some medicine or treatment, the biggest promblem I don't have national insurance...