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  1. S

    c.1111dupA (p.Ile371AsnfsX11)

    Heya everyone! My son's second mutation has recently been identified (it's in the subject) and I was wondering if anyone could give me a better idea about what it means for him? His other mutation is deltaF508, and he was not pancreatic insufficient until a couple of months after birth, but...
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    c.1111dupA (p.Ile371AsnfsX11)

    Heya everyone! My son's second mutation has recently been identified (it's in the subject) and I was wondering if anyone could give me a better idea about what it means for him? His other mutation is deltaF508, and he was not pancreatic insufficient until a couple of months after birth, but...
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    sweat test false positive

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your son - it sounds like a very difficult situation and I hope you get some answers soon. I can't help too much, I'm afraid (as I'm pretty new to this myself), but did the doctors do a stool sample (to see if your son was digesting properly by himself)...
  4. S

    sweat test false positive

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you and your son - it sounds like a very difficult situation and I hope you get some answers soon. I can't help too much, I'm afraid (as I'm pretty new to this myself), but did the doctors do a stool sample (to see if your son was digesting properly by himself)...
  5. S

    Baby son has a cough

    Thanks very much to both of you. :-) This has relieved my worry quite a bit, heh, as well as the fact that his cough has died down quite a bit. I will still call if it's present tomorrow (Monday for me), but at this stage I probably won't need to. Thanks again!
  6. S

    Baby son has a cough

    Thanks very much to both of you. :-) This has relieved my worry quite a bit, heh, as well as the fact that his cough has died down quite a bit. I will still call if it's present tomorrow (Monday for me), but at this stage I probably won't need to. Thanks again!
  7. S

    Baby son has a cough

    Hiya!<br>Firstly, please excuse me if this comes off as ignorant at all - my son was diagnosed about eight weeks ago (at six weeks of age).<br>Basically, he has had a dry, "barking" cough throughout the night, and a stuffy nose (the stuffy nose being something that he often gets). He hasn't...
  8. S

    Baby son has a cough

    Hiya!<br>Firstly, please excuse me if this comes off as ignorant at all - my son was diagnosed about eight weeks ago (at six weeks of age).<br>Basically, he has had a dry, "barking" cough throughout the night, and a stuffy nose (the stuffy nose being something that he often gets). He hasn't...