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  1. A

    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Auntysharn, The gene mutation CFTR:c 1408>G(p.Met407Val) is actually not a mutation but a common variant that is carried by almost half the population. My brother's gene is DF508. that is the most common CF mutation. Steve <span class="FTHighlightFont"></span ft> Steve thankyou for...
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    Welcome Ambry Genetics

    Hi Steve, My nephew has been diagnosed with CF. Just wondering if you can tell me anything about the gene mutation CFTR:c 1408>G(p.Met407Val) This is my sister-in-law's gene, and they were also told (verbally) it was 17:18 . . does that make any sense to you? My brother's gene is DF508...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    Thank you for your replies. Harriet - Baby is not on a high cal formula. It's S26 (in Australia), which is just a popular one for normal babies. SIL had a lot of trouble breast feeding, and we suspected that baby just wasn't getting any milk and therefore did not gain good wieght. His nappies...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    Thank you for your replies. Harriet - Baby is not on a high cal formula. It's S26 (in Australia), which is just a popular one for normal babies. SIL had a lot of trouble breast feeding, and we suspected that baby just wasn't getting any milk and therefore did not gain good wieght. His nappies...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    Thank you for your replies. Harriet - Baby is not on a high cal formula. It's S26 (in Australia), which is just a popular one for normal babies. SIL had a lot of trouble breast feeding, and we suspected that baby just wasn't getting any milk and therefore did not gain good wieght. His nappies...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    Thank you for your replies. Harriet - Baby is not on a high cal formula. It's S26 (in Australia), which is just a popular one for normal babies. SIL had a lot of trouble breast feeding, and we suspected that baby just wasn't getting any milk and therefore did not gain good wieght. His nappies...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    Thank you for your replies. <br /> <br />Harriet - Baby is not on a high cal formula. It's S26 (in Australia), which is just a popular one for normal babies. SIL had a lot of trouble breast feeding, and we suspected that baby just wasn't getting any milk and therefore did not gain good wieght...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    My 8week old nephew has just been diagnosed with CF - based on elevated IRT in the heel prick and Sweat test of 94. We are waiting for genetic test results. Baby failed to thrive for the first 5 weeks while being breast fed, only gaining 400g since birth to 5wks(indicating PI) but then he was...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    My 8week old nephew has just been diagnosed with CF - based on elevated IRT in the heel prick and Sweat test of 94. We are waiting for genetic test results. Baby failed to thrive for the first 5 weeks while being breast fed, only gaining 400g since birth to 5wks(indicating PI) but then he was...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    My 8week old nephew has just been diagnosed with CF - based on elevated IRT in the heel prick and Sweat test of 94. We are waiting for genetic test results. Baby failed to thrive for the first 5 weeks while being breast fed, only gaining 400g since birth to 5wks(indicating PI) but then he was...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    My 8week old nephew has just been diagnosed with CF - based on elevated IRT in the heel prick and Sweat test of 94. We are waiting for genetic test results. Baby failed to thrive for the first 5 weeks while being breast fed, only gaining 400g since birth to 5wks(indicating PI) but then he was...
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    Fluctuating wieght gain

    My 8week old nephew has just been diagnosed with CF - based on elevated IRT in the heel prick and Sweat test of 94. We are waiting for genetic test results. <br /> <br />Baby failed to thrive for the first 5 weeks while being breast fed, only gaining 400g since birth to 5wks(indicating PI) but...