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  1. H

    CF Income Tax Deductions

    Just FYI. The threshold has changed from those amounts over 7.5% to now over 10% AGI. Only amounts over the 10% threshold are deductible.
  2. H

    Behavior Issues with CF Children?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. We did have sinus surgery about a year and a half ago and noticed a behavior difference but it seems it was short lived. Maybe I need to take him back to the ENT! Also have sleep issues. We do okay with the therapies but even if he gets to bed early, he comes...
  3. H

    Behavior Issues with CF Children?

    I thought I saw a post on this recently but couldn't find it so starting anew. I wonder sometimes if my son's meds/nutrition/genetics are influencing his behavior and wonder if others have had the same challenges. It seems my 11 year old is often on edge, negative, stubborn and looking for a...
  4. H

    Bacterial food web may be key to cystic fibrosis

    Assuming this is true, what does that mean in the practice of having CF? What do you eat and/or not eat to have this chemical in your body?
  5. H

    CF and Wealth

    Absolutely! CF is part of any decision but it needs a "reasonable place" at the table. It shouldn't bully you out of stuff.
  6. H

    CF and Wealth

    I left my high paying job and stayed home when my son was diagnosed with CF but if I'm really honest with myself, I think it was a good choice for our family regardless of the CF and I'm somewhat bummed that I didn't think of it before he was diagnosed! Before CF came to our family.... although...
  7. H

    How do you travel with tobi & pulmozyme?

    The first time we travelled after new security airline stuff, I packed Pulmozyme in our luggage with an ice pack... never again. Of course the luggage got lost. We did get it back, but it was about 36 hours later. The meds were ok... room temperature, but I don't take those chances anymore...
  8. H

    How do you travel with tobi & pulmozyme?

    The first time we travelled after new security airline stuff, I packed Pulmozyme in our luggage with an ice pack... never again. Of course the luggage got lost. We did get it back, but it was about 36 hours later. The meds were ok... room temperature, but I don't take those chances anymore...